Design Review Board

Level 1: Minor alteration of an existing building/structure


SUMMARY: This proposal is a revision to the previously approved CoA # 8-A-14-DT and includes the relocation of the proposed exterior elevator tower within the building and a new design for the canopy along the side of the building from the sidewalk to the residential entrance near the base of the proposed stair tower. The canopy will have lighting as shown on the 'Canopy Detail' sheet. A new 2' diameter laser-cut hanging sign is proposed on the canopy structure near the Gay Street sidewalk. The hanging sign will be parallel to the sidewalk and not hang over the sidewalk.

All exterior renovations approved in CoA # 8-A-14-DT that are not presented as a revision by this application will remain as previously approved.

1) Canopy: wood structure, metal roof
2) Stair tower: steel stairs and structure, aluminum fence at base of stair tower
3) Elevator tower: fiber cement panels

312 S Gay St

Applicant Request
SUMMARY: This proposal is a revision to the previously approved CoA # 8-A-14-DT and includes the relocation of the proposed exterior elevator tower within the building and a new design for the canopy along the side of the building from the sidewalk to the residential entrance near the base of the proposed stair tower. The canopy will have lighting as shown on the 'Canopy Detail' sheet. A new 2' diameter laser-cut hanging sign is proposed on the canopy structure near the Gay Street sidewalk. The hanging sign will be parallel to the sidewalk and not hang over the sidewalk.

All exterior renovations approved in CoA # 8-A-14-DT that are not presented as a revision by this application will remain as previously approved.

1) Canopy: wood structure, metal roof
2) Stair tower: steel stairs and structure, aluminum fence at base of stair tower
3) Elevator tower: fiber cement panels

Staff Comments
The project is located within the Gay Street Commercial (National Register) Historic District and the 'Historic Resources' section of the design guidelines will apply.

Applicable guidelines:

New building materials should relate to the scale, durability, color, and texture of the predominate building materials in the area.
3a. Use complimentary materials and elements, especially next to historic buildings.
3b. Rehabilitate historic structures in accordance with the Secretary of Interior's Standards (see Appendix A).

Buildings should be visually interesting to invite exploration by pedestrians. A building should express human scale through materials and forms that were seen traditionally. This is important because buildings are experienced at close proximity by the pedestrian.
4a. Encourage first floor uses that draw walk-in traffic; businesses that do not require pedestrian traffic should be located on other floors.
4b. Enhance pedestrian interest in commercial and office buildings by creating a largely transparent and consistent rhythm of entrances and windows.
4c. Scale first floor signs to pedestrians.

Section 1.C.3. (ENTRANCES)
Formal entrances to front facades should be retained. This includes entrances that are located above street level and accessed by exterior stairs. Altering or removing the main entrance to grant street-level access is not appropriate.
3a. Establish recessed entries, either rectangular or with slightly canted sides, which are appropriate in storefronts.
3b. Allow for multiple entries on the first floor of the building, giving access to commercial space that may be divided into bays.
3c. Provide access to upper stories through additional entries.
3d. Maintain original height and materials for doors that are consistent with the use of the building, such as residential, commercial, or banking purposes.

Commercial establishments need to advertise. However, advertising signs should be effective and appropriate to historic areas without contributing to visual clutter. Primary concerns are a sign's location, size, material, and illumination.
7a. Locate signs above storefront windows, below second-story windows on the sign board, or on the storefront windows themselves (30% is maximum coverage), or off the front of the building as a projecting sign (maximum size: 9 square feet).
7b. Create signs that are proportional to the building where they are located.
7c. Do not light signs internally.

Century Partnership, LLC

Planning Staff
Mike Reynolds
Phone: 865-215-3827

Case History