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Staff recommends that the Planning Commission remove the (C) designation from parcels 106OA04002, 106OA041, and 106OA042 under Article 3.2.C of the City of Knoxville Zoning Ordinance to correct a map error as evidenced on the attached map (Exhibit A).


Property Info

Case Notes


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Proposed administrative map error correction and modification to the Official Zoning Map to remove the previously approved planned district © designation for property located at 7700 and 7708 Middlebrook Pk and 0 Broome Rd.

Property Information

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Planning Sector
Northwest City

Fire Department / District
Knoxville Fire Department

Case Notes

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Disposition Summary
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission remove the (C) designation from parcels 106OA04002, 106OA041, and 106OA042 under Article 3.2.C of the City of Knoxville Zoning Ordinance to correct a map error as evidenced on the attached map (Exhibit A).
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission remove the (C) designation from parcels 106OA04002, 106OA041, and 106OA042 under Article 3.2.C of the City of Knoxville Zoning Ordinance to correct a map error as evidenced on the attached map (Exhibit A).
The (C) designation on the zoning map indicates the presence of a previously approved planned
district per Article 1.4.G. This designation was applied upon the effective date of the current zoning
ordinance on January 1, 2020. The purpose of this designation is to provide a visual cue that plans
may have been approved for the parcel with this designation before adopting the current code.

Under Transition Rules, Article 1.4.G, all previously approved planned districts were to remain in
effect, subject to all plans, regulations, and conditions of their approval after the current zoning
code became effective. The code goes on to say that changes to a previously approved planned
district, or request to remove a planned district, shall be made through the special use process.

In some instances, the (C) designation has been applied, but no plans were ever submitted or
approved for the property. Therefore, there are no previous plans or conditions placed on those
properties. In these instances, the city has determined that the planned district designation can be
removed per Article 3.2.C, and the property can be developed according to the standards of the
current zoning. This determination is reflected in the attached memo from the Zoning Code
Administrator (Exhibit B).

This parcel is part of a larger area that was previously zoned RP-1 (Planned Residential) prior to the effective date of the new zoning ordinance. The majority of this area is now zoned RN-1 with a (C) designation. In 2017, a Use on Review (3-B-17-UR) was approved for the adjacent assisted living facility. It included a condition to subdivide the property, requiring final plat approval. That final plat moved the lot line between the property to the south and the subject property, carving the subject property out of that development. Because the subject property was not intended to be included in the approved plans, and was subsequently removed, the (C) designation is not needed.

Knoxville-Knox County Planning

Case History