Recommended for approval
by the Planning Commission
APPROVE CB / TO (Business & Manufacturing/Technology Overlay)
See case notes below
APPROVE CB / TO (Business & Manufacturing/Technology Overlay)
The PC, Planned Commercial Zone, is intended for a unified grouping of commercial buildings which do not require or desire a central business district location. It is the objective of this zone to achieve the highest quality site design, building arrangement, landscaping and traffic circulation patterns possible.
This zone provides for a wide range of business and manufacturing uses. The nature of such businesses is to attract large volumes of automobile and truck traffic and to have adverse effects on surrounding properties. Hence, they are not properly associated with, nor compatible with residential or institutional uses or with other uses that require an environment free of noise, odors and congestion. Uses permitted in the CB, Business and Manufacturing Zone are intensive users of roads, sewers and other public facilities.
Northeast side Sellers Ln., northeast of Sherrill Blvd.
Commission District 5