Design Review Board

Level 1: Minor alteration of an existing building/structure


This proposal is a revision to the approved Certificate of Appropriateness 9-B-09-DT and 2-C-10-DT.

This proposal adds to the existing storefront approval a sign board above the transoms and decorative treatment to the left and right of the storefront. The sign board and decorative treatment cover brick that had been damaged during a previous renovation of the structure. These areas will have a raised trim to give a paneled look.

This proposal also has revisions to the existing approvals as follows: 1) The approved storefront transoms were for multiple, equally sized transoms. This proposal requests two small transoms above the right and left portions of the storefront and one large transom in the middle, above the main entrance. 2) The second story windows were approved to a half round windows with a single pane. The installed windows were half round, broken into four evenly sized (see image 1). 3) The panels below the second story windows and on the bulkhead of the storefront were approved to be a simple panel without a decorative design. The installed panels have a design that mimics the design of the second story half round window pattern.

415 S Gay St

Applicant Request
This proposal is a revision to the approved Certificate of Appropriateness 9-B-09-DT and 2-C-10-DT.

This proposal adds to the existing storefront approval a sign board above the transoms and decorative treatment to the left and right of the storefront. The sign board and decorative treatment cover brick that had been damaged during a previous renovation of the structure. These areas will have a raised trim to give a paneled look.

This proposal also has revisions to the existing approvals as follows: 1) The approved storefront transoms were for multiple, equally sized transoms. This proposal requests two small transoms above the right and left portions of the storefront and one large transom in the middle, above the main entrance. 2) The second story windows were approved to a half round windows with a single pane. The installed windows were half round, broken into four evenly sized (see image 1). 3) The panels below the second story windows and on the bulkhead of the storefront were approved to be a simple panel without a decorative design. The installed panels have a design that mimics the design of the second story half round window pattern.

Case History