Details of Action
The Planning Commission approved the use on review according to staff recommendations and adding an additional 6 conditions per an oppostion email request received on 9/10/2020 discussed at the meeting and agreed upon by the applicant:
8. Ensuring that site lighting is full-cutoff lighting, adequately shielded, and designed so that no more than 0.1 horizontal and vertical footcandles (1.0 horizontal or vertical lux) of illumination extend 10 feet beyond the property line.
9. The applicant applies for the Knox County Adopt-A-Road program for Wise Springs Road
10. Installation of a ten (10) foot high wooden privacy fence along a portion of the exterior perimeter of the property as shown in Exhibit B.
11. Preservation of existing vegetation along the proposed exterior perimeter fencing for a depth of at least 10 feet, and preservation of existing old-growth cedar trees adjacent to parcels 040134, 04013601, 040136, 041137, 04113701, 04113702, 140173
12. Establishing a communications plan that will inform neighbors of adverse events with phone calls and text messages, and providing the neighbors contact information to facility administrators
13. Establishing a Community Advisory Committee to ensure regular communication and address any issues that may come up.
Property Information
Location4937 Wise Springs Rd.
West side of Wise Springs Rd., southeast of Maloneyville Rd., & northwest of Washington Pk
Commission District 8
Size42.01 acres
Place Type DesignationAG (Agricultural) and HP (Hillside Protection Area)
Currently on the Property
Growth PlanRural Area
- Utilities
SewerKnoxville Utilities Board
WaterNortheast Knox Utility District
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
Approved the request per staff's recommendation, which included 7 conditions, and an additional 6 conditions agreed upon by the applicant as detailed above.
Details of Action
The Planning Commission approved the use on review according to staff recommendations and adding an additional 6 conditions per an oppostion email request received on 9/10/2020 discussed at the meeting and agreed upon by the applicant:
8. Ensuring that site lighting is full-cutoff lighting, adequately shielded, and designed so that no more than 0.1 horizontal and vertical footcandles (1.0 horizontal or vertical lux) of illumination extend 10 feet beyond the property line.
9. The applicant applies for the Knox County Adopt-A-Road program for Wise Springs Road
10. Installation of a ten (10) foot high wooden privacy fence along a portion of the exterior perimeter of the property as shown in Exhibit B.
11. Preservation of existing vegetation along the proposed exterior perimeter fencing for a depth of at least 10 feet, and preservation of existing old-growth cedar trees adjacent to parcels 040134, 04013601, 040136, 041137, 04113701, 04113702, 140173
12. Establishing a communications plan that will inform neighbors of adverse events with phone calls and text messages, and providing the neighbors contact information to facility administrators
13. Establishing a Community Advisory Committee to ensure regular communication and address any issues that may come up.
Staff Recommendation
APPROVE the development plan for a residential treatment facility containing up to 216 beds and comprising 45,420 square feet, subject to the following 7 conditions.
1. Connection to sanitary sewer and meeting any other relevant requirements of the utility provider.
2. Installation of all landscaping as shown on development plan within six months of the issuance of an occupancy permit, or posting a bond with the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works to guarantee such installation.
3. Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works.
4. Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Fire Prevention Bureau.
5. If required, meeting all applicable requirements and obtaining all required permits from the Tennessee Department of Health.
6. Any proposed signage would be required to meet all applicable requirements of the Knox County Zoning Ordinance and is subject to Planning staff approval.
7. Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Zoning Ordinance, including but not limited to the maximum occupancy for boarding homes for sheltered care requiring 12 or fewer persons per each dwelling unit.
With the conditions noted, this plan meets the requirements for approval of a boarding home for sheltered care in the PR district and the other criteria for approval of a use on review.