Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville H: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of Certificate 8-C-22-HZ, subject to the following conditions: 1) replacement windows be double-hung, one-over-one, wood sash and a single-light wood window on the façade; 2) applicant to submit a drawing showing the proposed location of the sliding glass door indicated in application.

Applicant Request


Removal of existing vinyl windows and installation of new aluminum-clad wood windows. Existing windows are one-over-one, vinyl replacements, installed prior to the creation of the overlay. Proposed windows are one-over-one, double-hung, aluminum-clad wood, with one single-light picture window to be installed in the larger-sized opening on the first story of the façade. Paired, full-light, sliding doors to be installed on the rear elevation.


Site Info

American Four Square, c.1915

Two-story frame residence with a hipped roof lcad in asphalt shingles and a hipped-roof dormer on the façade. Exterior features brick veneer cladding on the first story and wood lap siding on the second story, with a decorative flare at the belt course. Brick foundation.

1. 128 W. Glenwood Ave is a contributing resource to the ONK National Register Historic District and the local historic overlay.

2. The existing windows are non-historic vinyl replacements, installed prior to the creation of the ONK overlay. To accommodate the vinyl replacement windows, some of the original fenestrations have been partially enclosed.

3. Removal and replacement of the vinyl replacement windows is appropriate. Aluminum-clad wood windows have typically been approved in ONK on new construction, new additions, or in limited instances on elevations not visible from the street. Replacement windows should be wood to meet the design guidelines ("shall be the same materials as the original windows, which were generally wood"), which will assist in also meeting the guideline that replacements "shall be the same overall size as the originals, with the same pane division and the same muntin depth, width, and profile."

4. The 1992 National Register nomination notes the house featured a "cottage window" on the front façade. The removal of the large double-hung vinyl window and replacement with a single-light fixed window is appropriate.

5. The submitted specifications include a sliding glass door; the location is not indicated on drawings or images. The applicant should clarify the location of the sliding glass door, and if any existing exterior materials will be removed or modified to accommodate it.


Brittany Brittany Hayes - Forks River Construction, Inc Forks River Construction, Inc

Planning Staff
Lindsay Crockett
Phone: 865-215-3795
Email: lindsay.crockett@knoxplanning.org
Location Knoxville
128 W. Glenwood Ave. 37917

Michael Michael Fischer - Katie Fischer Katie Fischer