Design Review Board

Lonsdale Infill Housing Overlay District


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of Certificate 8-C-23-IH, subject to the following conditions: 1) final site plan to meet City Engineering standards; 2) foundation to reflect foundation height of existing houses on block and be clad in stucco; 3) final siding materials to meet Infill Housing design guidelines; 4) revisions to placement of side elevation windows, with approval by staff; 5) revisions to differentiate from adjacent new house at 1723 Texas Avenue, with approval by staff.

1719 Texas Ave. 37921

Charles Gregory Charles Gregory Obenschain

Applicant Request
New Primary Structure
1. The edge of the front porch is proposed to be set 25,' so the main massing of the house will be set 33' from the front property line. The average front setback of the block is 24.5', also measuring to full-length front porches on the houses. The new house's front setback will maintain a consistent streetscape pattern with houses on the block. The final site plan should include a walkway to the street.

2. The block to receive new construction is characterized by one-story modified Craftsman houses. The one-story, three-bay residence is proportional to the dimensions of the lot and the context of the block. The side yard setbacks are consistent with the block.

3. The proposed parking meets Infill Housing design guidelines as the parking pad is accessed from the alley and located to the rear of the house. Final revisions to the site plan may be necessary to meet City Engineering standards.

4. Overall, the one-story, three-bay façade is similar in scale to the context. The foundation height should be confirmed to be compatible with the neighborhood.

5. The site plan includes an 8' deep front porch with a front-gable roof, centered on the facade. The porch is compatible with the design of the house and the surrounding block. The 10" square framed columns contribute to the overall design.

6. Guidelines recommend window and door styles be similar, with similar proportions and ratio of solid to void, to historic houses on the block. The proportions of windows and door on the façade meet the guidelines. Revisions are necessary to side elevation window placement to avoid large swaths of siding with no transparency.

7. The proposed roof pitch and material are appropriate within the guidelines.

8. The elevation drawings do not specify a siding material. The applicant should specify siding materials, referring to page 13 of the Infill Housing Design Guidelines.

9. The final site plan should indicate one new native or naturalized shade tree to be planted in both front and rear yards.

10. The house is proposed to be identical to the adjacent new construction house at 1723 Texas Ave (8-D-23-IH). Revisions should be made to the two houses to introduce differentiation in design; options include revised rooflines, porch design and placement, or house massing.

Staff Comments
New primary residence fronting Texas Avenue. The one-story house is 25' wide by 50' long, with a front gable roof (8/12 pitch, clad in an unspecified material) and a centrally located porch projecting 8' covered by a smaller front gable roof (8/12 pitch). The house will be clad in vinyl lap siding and feature six 6/6 double-hung windows and one 4/4 double hung window. The house is proposed to be set 25' from the front property line, on a concrete foundation. Parking is proposed to be a 22' wide (483 square feet) concrete parking pad located behind the house and accessed via the alley.

The façade (north) features a centrally located door flanked by two 6/6 double-hung windows on each side. The left elevation features one 6/6 double-hung window and one smaller 4/4 double-hung window. The right elevation features paired 6/6 double-hung windows and one smaller 6/6 double-hung window. The rear elevation features a centrally located door opening to an uncovered landing, flanked by one 6/6 double-hung window on the right.

The proposed house is identical to the proposed new construction at 1723 Texas Avenue (8-D-23-IH).

Mike Mike Ballinger Rock Creek Construction, Inc. Rock Creek C

Planning Staff
Lindsay Lanois
Phone: 865-215-3795

Case History