Design Review Board

Level 1: Sign


SUMMARY: Two new signs and an awning for the tenant in the Summer Place storefront within the Walnut Street Garage.

WALL SIGN: Internally illuminated wall sign centered above the storefront entrance. The sign is 3'-1" tall by 15'-5" wide (47.53 square feet).

PROJECTING SIGN: Internally illuminated projecting sign centered on the Locust Street elevation, with approximately a 17' clearance with the sidewalk. The sign will be 12'-6" tall by 2'-6" wide (31.13 square feet). The sign will stand off the facade approximately 6 inches.

AWNING: The awning extends essentially the full length of the storefront and has a minimum sidewalk clearance of 11'-8". The awning is 4'-0" tall and projects 3'-6" from the building. It is constructed of painted standing seam metal panels with black painted aluminum framing.

530 Summer Place

Applicant Request
SUMMARY: Two new signs and an awning for the tenant in the Summer Place storefront within the Walnut Street Garage.

WALL SIGN: Internally illuminated wall sign centered above the storefront entrance. The sign is 3'-1" tall by 15'-5" wide (47.53 square feet).

PROJECTING SIGN: Internally illuminated projecting sign centered on the Locust Street elevation, with approximately a 17' clearance with the sidewalk. The sign will be 12'-6" tall by 2'-6" wide (31.13 square feet). The sign will stand off the facade approximately 6 inches.

AWNING: The awning extends essentially the full length of the storefront and has a minimum sidewalk clearance of 11'-8". The awning is 4'-0" tall and projects 3'-6" from the building. It is constructed of painted standing seam metal panels with black painted aluminum framing.

Staff Comments
City Council recently adopted a new sign ordinance and this proposal has been reviewed using the new allowed sign area standards. For this application, the maximum allowed sign area is calculated as 10% of the storefront area (86.45 square feet). The proposed signs are a total of 78.6 square feet, less than the maximum allowed.

Applicable guidelines:

Buildings should be visually interesting to invite exploration by pedestrians. A building should express human scale through materials and forms that were seen traditionally. This is important because buildings are experienced at close proximity by the pedestrian.
4c. Scale first floor signs to pedestrians.

These recommendations for signs in the traditional grid district recognize that certain types of signs are more pedestrian-friendly and should be encouraged within the grid district.
1a. Wall signs on sign boards that are above a transom or first story and mounted flush to the building facade
1b. Projecting signs of modest size (9 square feet, maximum); a larger sign must be approved by the board

Sycamore Sign Service

Planning Staff
Mike Reynolds
Phone: 865-215-3827

Case History