Property Information
Location0 Ball Camp Pike
South of Ball Camp Pike and northeast of the intersection of Hitching Post Drive and Wayside Road
Commission District 6
Size6.40 acres
Place Type DesignationLDR (Low Density Residential)
Currently on the Property
Growth PlanPlanned Growth Area
- Utilities
SewerWest Knox Utility District
WaterWest Knox Utility District
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
Approve the requested PR (Planned Residential) zoning with up to 4.5 du/ac (applicant requested 5 du/ac), subject to the condition that the development be built with sidewalks on one side of the street since part of the development is in a School Parent
Staff Recommendation
Approve the requested PR (Planned Residential) zoning with up to 4.5 du/ac (applicant requested 5 du/ac) subject to one condition.
Staff recommends approval of the requested PR (Planned Residential) zoning of up to 4.5 du/ac, subject to the condition that the development be built with sidewalks on one side of the street, since the zone is compatible with the sector plan designation, the density of the proposed development is comparable to the surrounding PR development densities, and a portion of the development is located within the School Parental Responsibility Zone.