Historic Zoning Commission

Scenic Drive NC: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of Certificate 8-F-24-HZ, subject to the following conditions: 1) omission of the proposed front porch addition; 2) final site plan to meet City Engineering standards; 3) garage cladding details to be provided to staff for review.

Location Knoxville
1209 Scenic Dr. 37919

Harrison and Madison Smith

Applicant Request
Accessory structure; Additions; Architectural feature; Porch; Roofing; Windows
Dormers: two dormers on the front roof slope currently feature low-slope shed roofs. The application proposes to remove the shed roofs and replace with hipped roofs clad in terracotta tile. The existing dormers' width or placement will not change, but the roofs will be revised to feature a hipped-roof pitch to match the existing house.

Front porch: addition of new front porch. The new covered entry vestibule will be centered on the existing door, measuring 16' wide by 7' deep. The one-story porch will feature a flat roof and an ornamental architrave similar to the existing house.

Right side porch: demolition of flat-roof covered porch on the right (east) side elevation. Addition of new one-story, flat roof section in the same location, to measure approximately 18' by 18'. The new side addition will feature three adjoining one-over-one, double-hung windows on the façade and an iron railing above the parapet wall. The windows are intended to reflect the window alignment on the windows existing on the left side of the house.

Revisions to windows/doors on rear and side elevations: single window on rear elevation to be replaced with multi-light French doors; windows on left side sunroom to be replaced with multi-light French doors. Removal of existing paired garage doors and installation of new single 16' wide garage door.

New secondary structure: new garage will measure 42' wide by 26' deep and be located to the rear (north) corner of the property. The garage will feature a hipped roof with a pitch and details to match the primary house, with a terracotta tile roof cladding to match the main house, and hipped-roof dormers on each roof slope. Three custom-made multi-light doors will be located on the south elevation of the garage.

Additional exterior rehabilitation scopes: removal of existing asphalt shingle roof and replacement with a terracotta barrel tile (Ludowici 13.25" Spanish Barrel tile in field green). Addition of an iron railing on the parapet wall on the second-level terrace (on a flat-roof, one-story massing). New sconces. New in-ground pool and new pool pavilion (pavilion is not included in scope of work; full drawings will be provided at a later date).

CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PER HZC 8/15/2024: 1) final site plan to meet City Engineering standards; 2) garage cladding details to be provided to staff for review.

Staff Comments
Italianate, c.1925
    Two-story, stucco-clad residence with a hipped roof and an exterior clad in stucco.

New Construction-Primary Buildings, Additions and Accessory Buildings
6. New additions and constructions shall conform to the prevailing widths and heights of typical facades of adjacent houses. The footprint of new additions and constructions should be in character and proportion with contributing neighboring houses, even if originally platted lots have been combined into larger lots. Detached accessory buildings shall be proportional to the house in height and size.
7. Carports and garage doors should not face the street except in cases where there is no reasonable alternative. If they do face the street, garage entrances should be designed to be consistent with the home's architectural features.
8. The design of detached garages and carports and the materials of which they are constructed should be consistent with the character of the main structure.
9. The recommended location for additions is to the rear or side of existing buildings. Additions to the front of buildings are strongly discouraged because they obscure the original architectural designs. Front additions are not appropriate for contributing structures. If additions are to be made to the side elevations of existing buildings, they should be located at least five feet behind the front facade of the existing building.
10. Detached accessory buildings, including carports and detached garages, should be located at least fifteen feet to the rear of the front facade line and no nearer than five feet to a side or rear lot line. In size, they should not exceed the building footprint of the principal building and should be consistent in scale with the primary building on the lot.
11. The design of additions, accessory buildings, including carports, and modifications, in particular the front facade of the house, should be consistent with the character of the main structure.
12. If an addition or modification is made to an existing house, the wall cladding material should match or complement those on the existing house. Traditional combinations such as wood clapboard or wood shingle siding additions on brick or stone primary structures are acceptable if matching materials cannot be secured. The roofing material for additions and modifications should match the existing roofing material.

Roof Form and Coverings
3. Several existing contributing buildings have terra cotta tile or slate roofs. These heavier roof materials are encouraged on new constructions and additions where appropriate to the style of the house, as they contribute significantly to the overall neighborhood character.

Front Entries, Porches, Stoops, & Porticos
1. Stoops, porticos or front porches in keeping with the historic look of the neighborhood are encouraged for new buildings.
2. Houses that front on streets in the Scenic Drive section of Sequoyah Hills have strong front entries that orient the houses to the street and its neighborhood. A formal entry, facing the primary street except in the case of corner lots, should be included in any new designs that are constructed on vacant lots in this area, and should be retained on existing buildings.
3. Many houses in the Scenic Drive District have side porches that are screened or glassed in. Side porches are appropriate additions to existing houses and appropriate design features for new construction.
4. Existing porches visible from the street may be enclosed with glass provided the original existing architectural elements such as support posts, columns, eaves and other features which define the porch space are preserved.

1. The size of window openings on the front and any visible side facades should be consistent with the design of the new building and with other houses of similar architectural design.
2. High quality fixed grid windows should be used. Snap-in grid windows should not be used. Simulated divided light windows with fixed external muntins or mullions are encouraged.
3. Proportion and style of windows shall be appropriate to the design type. Replacement windows are encouraged to duplicate the look and quality of the original. Palladium style windows should not be used unless in keeping with the original character of the house.

Site Design
1. New buildings and additions shall be designed to set into the landscape with a minimum of reshaping to the topography and loss of mature trees.
2. Parking pads and circular driveways should not be placed in the front yard except in extraordinary cases where a driveway to the rear of the property is impractical or unsafe. In those cases, a small parking area may be constructed; pervious paving material is encouraged and landscaping should conceal the parking area from the street.

Distinctive Architectural Features
There are distinctive architectural features on homes throughout the Scenic Drive area. An NC-1 does not regulate maintenance of existing features; however, they are so important to the continuing architectural significance of the neighborhood that they are included here. While no Certificate of Appropriateness will be required, and no review by the Knoxville Historic Zoning Commission will take place in connection with these features, the Historic Zoning Commission wishes to enumerate them so that property owners will realize the significance of maintaining them.

Roof Features
Many of the roofs on existing homes are finished with decorative tile or shingles that add to the neighborhood's architectural significance. Maintenance of such existing roofs is strongly encouraged and residents are encouraged to consult with owners of similar roofs as to sources for repair materials, contractor referrals, etc. If matching materials are not available, intact historical roofing materials should be used on the visible elevations, with similar materials used at the rear or a less visible section of the roof.

Windows and Entries
The historic architecture of the existing homes includes windows of a distinctive design, and entry features and doors that add to the appearance of the neighborhood. Repair and retention of these features contributes to the architectural significance of the neighborhood, and should be continued if possible.

Case History