
Final Plat



Planning staff affirms that this plat is in substantial conformance with the concept plan and recommends approval.

See case notes below


Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Applicant Request

Final plat of the Sonesta Subdivision Phase 1 Lots 1 thru 73 & 129 thru 135
80 (Split)
Yes - SF

Property Information

0 Hatmaker Ln.

North of I-40 and West of Hopper

Commission District 6

69.92 acres

Growth Plan
Planned Growth Area

Case Notes

Disposition Summary
Planning staff affirms that this plat is in substantial conformance with the concept plan and recommends approval.
Staff Recommendation
Planning staff affirms that this plat is in substantial conformance with the concept plan and recommends approval.
The concept plan indicating the overall layout and design for this plat was approved on 2/11/2021 as Planning Case 12-SB-20-C. Per Subdivision Regulations, Sections 2.08.A and 2.10.F, the final plat must be in substantial conformance with the approved concept plan. Planning staff affirms that this plat is in substantial conformance with the concept plan and recommends approval.

What's next?

Final Plat appeals will be heard by the Planning Commission.
Appeals of Concept Plans and Final Plats are filed with Chancery CourtThe Process

Final plat of the Sonesta Subdivision Phase 1 Lots 1 thru 73 & 129 thru 135

Ryan Lynch Surveys LLC

Case History