Property Information
Location8512 S. Northshore Dr.
Southeast side of S. Northshore Dr., west of Dunbarton Oaks, across from Branton Blvd, southwest of Wallace Rd.
Commission District 4
Size17.94 acres
Currently on the Property
Single family residence
Growth PlanPlanned Growth Area
- Utilities
SewerFirst Knox Utility District
WaterFirst Knox Utility District
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
The Planning Commission approved the variances, alternative design standards, concept plan, and development plan, per staff's recommendation, including all conditions.
Staff Recommendation
APPROVE variance 1 and alternate design standards 1-4 because topographic constraints and site conditions restrict compliance with the Subdivision Regulations, and the proposed variance will not create a traffic hazard.
APPROVE the Concept Plan subje
1. Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works.
2. Obtaining all applicable permits from the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) for any work or connections within the TDOT right-of-way.
3. Connection to sanitary sewer and meeting any other relevant requirements of the utility provider.
4. Provision of street names which are consistent with the Uniform Street Naming and Addressing System within Knox County (Ord 91-1-102).
5. Providing a 20-ft greenway easement along the S. Northshore Dr. frontage as requested by the Knox County Department of Parks and Recreation.
6. All closed contours/sinkholes and the 50' setback around the feature shall be shown on the final plat. Building construction within the 50' setback may be permitted if a geotechnical study prepared by a registered engineer states that building within the 50' sinkhole buffer is acceptable and the study is approved by the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works. The geotechnical study must be completed and submitted to Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works prior to submission of the final plat for any lots that do not have a building area outside of the 50' setback area. A 5' drainage easement extending outside of the uppermost closed contour is required. Building construction is not permitted within the hatched contour area of the sinkhole or the drainage easement. Engineered footings may be required for any structures within the 50' sinkhole buffer.
7. Prior to certification of the final plat for the first phase of the subdivision, establishing a property owners association that will be responsible for the maintenance of the common areas, amenities and drainage system.
8. Identify the blueline stream that crosses the property and all required buffers on the final plat.
9. Placing a note on the final plat that all lots will have access only to the internal street system.
10. Submitting to Planning staff prior to final plat review by the Planning Commission or Planning staff, the certification of design plan approval form as required by the Knoxville-Knox County Subdivision Regulations.