Design Review Board

Level 1: Sign


This sign plan includes a request for an awning sign over the primary entrance (dome style awning, dimensions: 3'tall, 3' from face of building over sidewalk, and 6'wide) and a directional shingle sign at the corner of Cumberland Ave and Gay St. (dimensions 2'tall by 3' wide). Both of these signs are pedestrian in scale and are appropriate for this district Additionally, the applicant requests approval for planters to be attached to the face of the building between 36" and 40" above the sidewalk. The dimensions of the planters are 26' long at the bottom edge, 34" long at the top edge, 10.5" high and 7.25" deep.

221 Cumberland Ave

Applicant Request
This sign plan includes a request for an awning sign over the primary entrance (dome style awning, dimensions: 3'tall, 3' from face of building over sidewalk, and 6'wide) and a directional shingle sign at the corner of Cumberland Ave and Gay St. (dimensions 2'tall by 3' wide). Both of these signs are pedestrian in scale and are appropriate for this district Additionally, the applicant requests approval for planters to be attached to the face of the building between 36" and 40" above the sidewalk. The dimensions of the planters are 26' long at the bottom edge, 34" long at the top edge, 10.5" high and 7.25" deep.

Case History