Design Review Board

Lonsdale Infill Housing Overlay District


1630 Leflore Ave

Danny Danny Mitchell Knoxville Habitat for Humanity Knoxvil

Applicant Request
New Primary Structure
Staff Comments
Site Plan - The front yard setback is 27' and has an 8' deep porch extending into the setback. The east side yard setback is 7' and the west side yard setback is 20'. The driveway is located on the west side of the house and is 35' long and 12' wide. The driveway extends 20' beyond the habitable portion of the house. A sidewalk leads from the front porch to the driveway. There is a new tree planted in the front yard space. In back of the lot, trees are going to be preserved.

Architectural Elevations - The roof pitch is 5:12. The porch is 20' wide and 8' deep. The porch has columns that have a brick base and a tapered top post, two brick piers with no columns are located at the point of entry and a railing system surrounds the perimeter of the porch. There are two windows and a front door under the porch on the front elevation. The right elevation contains three windows and a side door, while the left elevation has two windows.

Danny Danny Mitchell Knoxville Habitat for Humanity Knoxville

Planning Staff
Jeff Archer
Phone: 215-2500

Case History