Property Information
Location501 N. Watt Road
At the boundary lines of Knox County, Loudon County, and Farragut, approximately 1/2 mile south of I-40/I-75. The property straddles the boundary between Knox County and Farragut.
Commission District 5
Census Tract 58.10
Size1.32 acres
Place Type DesignationLDR (Low Density Residential)
Currently on the Property
RR (Rural Residential)
Growth PlanPlanned Growth Area
- Utilities
SewerFirst Knox Utility District
WaterFirst Knox Utility District
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
Adopt resolution #9-A-19-SP amending the Southwest County Sector Plan to GC (General Commercial) for the portion of the parcel in Knox County per attached resolution, Exhibit A, subject to one condition, since it is compatible with the area's developmen
Staff Recommendation
Adopt resolution #9-A-19-SP amending the Southwest County Sector Plan to GC (General Commercial) for the portion of the parcel in Knox County per attached resolution, Exhibit A, subject to one condition, since it is compatible with the area's developmen
Adopt resolution #9-A-19-SP amending the Southwest County Sector Plan to GC (General Commercial) land use for the portion of the parcel in Knox County per attached resolution, Exhibit A, subject to the condition that a Type A landscaping screen, as shown in the Landscaping and Screening Design Guidelines, be installed to buffer residential uses, given that the parcel to the north is General Commercial and the plan amendment would allow this parcel to be rezoned to a commercial zone and thereby bridge the commercial zones to the north and south.