Design Review Board

Lonsdale Infill Housing Overlay District


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of Certificate 9-A-23-IH, subject to the following conditions: 1) front setback to be revised to reflect existing streetscape pattern; 2) parking placement to be revised, placed in the rear of the lot; 3) final site plan to meet City Engineering standards; 4) front porch to be increased in depth to at least 8' and be supported by 8 by 8 posts; 5) revision to second-story façade windows; 6) duplex to receive special use approval by Planning Commission and meet the principal use standards for two-family dwellings.

3317 Johnston St. 37921

Braden Family Properties, LLC Braden Family Properties, LLC

Applicant Request
New Primary Structure
1. The house is proposed to be set 49' from the front property line. The average front setback of the block is 37'. The house should be moved towards the front property line to maintain a consistent streetscape pattern, which would also allow space for a parking area in the rear. The site plan should include a walkway to the street.

2. The block to receive new construction is characterized by contemporary infill construction, modified Queen Anne cottages, and modified Minimal Traditionals. The two-story duplex is larger than other single-family houses on the block, but is proportional to the dimensions of the lot.

3. As proposed, the parking does not meet Infill Housing design guidelines. The parking area should be moved to the rear of the building, which would allow for a single driveway alongside the house and a turnaround area in the rear. Final revisions to the site plan will be necessary to meet City Engineering standards.

4. The two-story, six-bay façade is wider in scale than the context; however, the building is a duplex and not a single-family house. As depicted, the foundation height is compatible with original houses in the neighborhood.

5. The site plan includes a 6.5' deep front porch; guidelines recommend at least an 8' deep front porch so residents can comfortably use the porch. The front porch should be increased in depth. Porch posts should be increased to at least 8 by 8s to be proportionate to the building. Four posts instead of two would also add detail to the house.

6. Guidelines recommend window and door styles be similar, with similar proportions and ratio of solid to void, to historic houses on the block. Overall, the design includes sufficient windows on each elevation. Revisions should be made to the second-story windows on the façade; the windows should be increased in size to match the second story, and centered above the interior windows. Two additional windows may also benefit the large swath of siding without transparency.

7. The proposed 6/12 pitch roof meets the Infill Housing design guidelines.

8. The application does not include information on siding or roofing materials. If vinyl siding is used, the siding should feature an overlap instead of Dutch lap or flush panel siding. The CMU foundation should be clad in stucco or brick. Additional siding details on the second story may benefit the wide mass of the house.

9. The final site plan should include one new native or naturalized shade tree to be planted in the front and rear yards.

10. As a duplex in the RN-2 zone, the project is subject to a Special Use review with the Planning Commission. Final revisions may be necessary to ensure the project meets the principal use standards for two-family dwellings.

Staff Comments
New duplex fronting Johnston Street. Two story, front-gable roof residence measures 36' wide by 34' long, with a hipped-roof porch projecting approximately 6.5' and extending the length of the facade. The structure is proposed to be set 49' from the front property line. Parking is proposed to be a 1,444 square foot asphalt parking lot located in the front of the structure and accessed via Johnston St.

The structure features a 6/12 pitch gable roof clad in three-dimensional shingles. The exterior will be clad in vinyl siding. The structure will rest on a concrete foundation and will feature 1/1 double hung vinyl windows.

On the façade (east), the hipped-roof porch will feature a roof to be clad in dimensional shingles, supported by two 6" wooden posts. The porch will be divided by a centrally located wall, flanked by a door and two 1/1 double-hung windows on each side. The second story of the façade features two smaller 1/1 double hung windows. The left and right elevations (south and north, respectively) feature four windows on the first story and two windows on the second story. The first floor of the rear elevation (west) features two secondary access doors, each flanked by a small 1/1 double-hung window, that open to stairs leading down to a concrete patio. The second story of the rear elevation features two pairs of 1/1 double-hung windows.

Josh Josh Braden Braden Family Properties, LLC Braden Family P

Planning Staff
Lindsay Lanois
Phone: 865-215-3795

Case History