Historic Zoning Commission

Tennessee Theatre Individual H Landmark: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of Certificate 9-A-24-HZ, subject to the following condition: 1) replacement windows on second story to replicate (or exceed) the size of the existing and not further enclose the fenestrations with trim, with a revised specification to be submitted to staff for approval.

Applicant Request
Doors; Windows
Exterior rehabilitation to north side elevation, focused on box office area on side elevation of Tennessee Theatre. Project includes the removal and replacement of second-story, double-hung windows, first story storefront windows, and left bay door.

On the second story, one-over-one, double-hung windows will be removed and replaced with one-over-one, double-hung, aluminum-clad wood windows. The paired windows will feature a larger trim and central mullion to account for their smaller size compared to existing windows.

On the first story, the windows will be replaced with single-light, fixed, aluminum-clad wood windows of the same size. Removal of the wood half-light door on the left side; installation of fixed aluminum-clad wood window in the same place. Transoms to be retained.

Staff Comments
Burwell Building & Tennessee Theater, c.1907
    Area of work proposed for two-story, flat roof, stone-clad commercial building on Clinch Avenue.

1. The Tennessee Theatre is individually listed on the National Register of Historic Places and as a local historic landmark. The section to receive work is a secondary elevation on Clinch Avenue, as a two-story, stone-clad, flat-roof massing that serves as the box office window.

2. No information is available on the installation date of the windows; the NRHP nomination describes one-over-one, double-hung sash on the second story. The application proposes reframing and replacing the second-story windows due to deterioration and water infiltration into the stone cladding and the building's interior. Both the first- and second-story windows are simple in design. Replacement of the deteriorated second-story double-hung windows and the first-story storefront windows is appropriate. The project will retain the existing multi-light transom windows.

3. The SOI Standards for Rehabilitation recommend replacement features which match the old in "design, color, texture, and other visual qualities, and where possible, materials." Aluminum-clad wood is commonly approved by the Design Review Board for other historic buildings along Gay Street, recognizing the material's ability to match the original muntin profile and size, while incorporating additional weather protection from the aluminum cladding on the exterior. In the opinion of staff, the proposed aluminum-clad windows are appropriate replacements for this application, especially on a secondary elevation.

4. The replacement windows for the single-light storefront windows on the first story will not further enclose the original fenestrations; the proposed replacements meet the guidelines.

5. Removal of a non-historic, single-light secondary access on the left bay of the first story is appropriate; the proposed single-light window will retain the original stone opening and contribute additional transparency.

6. The replacements proposed for the second story are smaller in size than the existing, and will require the installation of additional trim. The replacement windows are 48" wide (96" total) within a 119" wide opening, requiring 23" of additional enclosure. SOI Standards (and the associated guidelines) discourage replacing original or historic windows with new windows that have different muntin profiles, trim, or overall sizes. Enclosing windows further with internal trim is also not recommended.

Patrick McLemore, Historic Tennessee Theatre Foundation

Planning Staff
Lindsay Crockett
Phone: 865-215-3795
Email: lindsay.crockett@knoxplanning.org
Location Knoxville
604 S. Gay St. 37902

Central City

Historic Tennessee Theatre Foundation

Case History