Street Closure



See agency comments and recommendations below



Property Info

What's next?

Applicant Request

Close Street
From Current propoperty line along Cherry Dr
To Extension towards Cherry Dr to line up with neighboring property line

Reason for Closure

I request to close the ROW bordering my property, 121OA019, along Cherry Drive in order to utilize the yards natural lines and regain the land that was claimed in 1989 when the lot was subdivided.

Comments / Recommendations

The applicant is requesting to close a right-of-way on Cherry Street adjacent to parcel 121OA019. The street right-of-way runs from the southwestern corner of parcel 121OA019 to the southeastern corner of the same parcel.

The reviewing departments and organizations had these comments:

-Planning: Planning does not object to the closure of this right-of-way as it does not impact connectivity to other parcels.

-City of Knoxville Engineering: City Engineering has no objections to the closure, subject to the following conditions being met prior to scheduling this closure application for City Council Review: A boundary survey and site plan map certified by a TN licensed land surveyor should be submitted to City Engineering for review and approval. This map should show the current boundary/right-of-way along Cherry Dr, the proposed closure area of Cherry Dr, and the actual and/or proposed location of fence construction. The submittal can be emailed to Letters of approval from both City Engineering and the Codes Enforcement section that the proposed fence location, design, and closure area are approved. Responses can be emailed to Should this right-of-way be closed, the City will reserve easements for all drainage facilities and utilities, if there are any current facilities, located in or within five (5) feet of the property described herein. No easements are reserved if there are no current facilities within the closure area. If any existing facilities or utilities are found not feasible to the site development or use, they may be removed and relocated, subject to City Engineering and/or other applicable easement holder review and approval.

-KUB: We have reviewed our records and, as far as we have been able to determine, KUB has no existing utility facilities located within the subject right-of-way areas and we have no objection to the requested closures. However, KUB does not release and hereby retains all easements and rights for existing facilities, whether or not identified in our research.

-TDOT: The roadway closure requested for review has no impact to State owned ROW. Therefore, TDOT takes no exception to the request.
-Addressing: The proposed ROW closure is not expected to impact any existing addresses.

-Fire Department: Right of way closure approved for fire dept.

-AT&T: AT&T has no conflict with the closing of this ROW.

Property Information

0 51570B - Corner of Sherry Dr

Council District 2

Planning Sector
West City

What's next?

After the Planning Commission
  • Appeal to Because of its location in the City, appeals will be heard by Knoxville City Council
  • Appeal by The appeal deadline has passed
The Process

Matthew Quarre

Case History