Building Permit


Planning Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends the following actions on the required waivers from the Design Guidelines:
1) To waive the 20 ft landscaped yard on the east side fronting Pellissippi Parkway because of the existing berm and tree line along the Pellissippi Parkway right-of-way.
2) To exceed the maximum number of parking spaces by 9 spaces, if pervious pavement is used.

Staff recommends approval of this request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for a building permit, subject to five conditions:
1) Resolving the location of the KUB utility lines prior to the issuance of a grading permit. Redesigning the site could require TTCDA and Planning Commission approval.
2) If during design plan approval or construction of the development, it is discovered that unforeseen off-site improvements within the right-of-way are necessary, the developer will either enter into an MOU with the County for these improvements or reimburse the County for their direct expenses (if competed by County crews) to make corrections deemed necessary.
3) Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Engineering and Public Works and Knoxville Utility Board.
4) Meeting all other applicable requirements of the Knox County Zoning Ordinance.
5) Obtaining Planning Commission approval of the development plans (Case# 9-C-24-DP).

See case notes below



Property Info

Case Notes

Details of Action

Actions on the required waivers from the Design Guidelines:
1) To waive the 20 ft landscaped yard on the east side fronting Pellissippi Parkway because of the existing berm and tree line along the Pellissippi Parkway right-of-way.
2) To exceed the maximum number of parking spaces by 9 spaces, if pervious pavement is used.

Approval of this request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for a building permit, subject to five conditions:
1) Resolving the location of the KUB utility lines prior to the issuance of a grading permit. Redesigning the site could require TTCDA and Planning Commission approval.
2) If during design plan approval or construction of the development, it is discovered that unforeseen off-site improvements within the right-of-way are necessary, the developer will either enter into an MOU with the County for these improvements or reimburse the County for their direct expenses (if competed by County crews) to make corrections deemed necessary.
3) Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Engineering and Public Works and Knoxville Utility Board.
4) Meeting all other applicable requirements of the Knox County Zoning Ordinance.
5) Obtaining Planning Commission approval of the development plans (Case# 9-C-24-DP).

Applicant Request



1) To exceed the maximum number of parking spaces by 9 spaces
2) To waive the 20 ft landscaped yard on the east side fronting Pellissippi Parkway

Property Information

830 Discovery Ln

North side of Discovery Lane, north west side of Dutchtown Road

Commission District 3

2.48 acres

Place Type Designation
Business Park

Currently on the Property
Agriculture/forestry/vacant land

Case Notes

Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends the following actions on the required waivers from the Design Guidelines:
1) To waive the 20 ft landscaped yard on the east side fronting Pellissippi Parkway because of the existing berm and tree line along the Pellissippi Parkway right-of-way.
2) To exceed the maximum number of parking spaces by 9 spaces, if pervious pavement is used.

Staff recommends approval of this request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for a building permit, subject to five conditions:
1) Resolving the location of the KUB utility lines prior to the issuance of a grading permit. Redesigning the site could require TTCDA and Planning Commission approval.
2) If during design plan approval or construction of the development, it is discovered that unforeseen off-site improvements within the right-of-way are necessary, the developer will either enter into an MOU with the County for these improvements or reimburse the County for their direct expenses (if competed by County crews) to make corrections deemed necessary.
3) Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Engineering and Public Works and Knoxville Utility Board.
4) Meeting all other applicable requirements of the Knox County Zoning Ordinance.
5) Obtaining Planning Commission approval of the development plans (Case# 9-C-24-DP).
Details of Action
Actions on the required waivers from the Design Guidelines:
1) To waive the 20 ft landscaped yard on the east side fronting Pellissippi Parkway because of the existing berm and tree line along the Pellissippi Parkway right-of-way.
2) To exceed the maximum number of parking spaces by 9 spaces, if pervious pavement is used.

Approval of this request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for a building permit, subject to five conditions:
1) Resolving the location of the KUB utility lines prior to the issuance of a grading permit. Redesigning the site could require TTCDA and Planning Commission approval.
2) If during design plan approval or construction of the development, it is discovered that unforeseen off-site improvements within the right-of-way are necessary, the developer will either enter into an MOU with the County for these improvements or reimburse the County for their direct expenses (if competed by County crews) to make corrections deemed necessary.
3) Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Engineering and Public Works and Knoxville Utility Board.
4) Meeting all other applicable requirements of the Knox County Zoning Ordinance.
5) Obtaining Planning Commission approval of the development plans (Case# 9-C-24-DP).

Stuart Anderson George Armour Eqart Architect