Street Name Change



Approve the name change from Richard Street to Vivid Lights Street as requested by the City of Knoxville.


Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Applicant Request

From Bernard Avenue
To May Avenue
Proposed Street Name
Vivid Lights St.

Reason for Change

A portion of Richards Street was closed between May and W Fifth Avenues, which caused the northern and southern portions of this right-of-way to be disconnected. Having non-contiguous road segments with the same street name is a safety concern for the Knox County Emergency Communications District. Richards Street between Bernard and May Avenues was selected for the proposed renaming as no occupiable buildings will be affected by the change.

Property Information

0 Richard St.

Council District 6

Planning Sector
Central City

Growth Plan
N/A (Within City Limits)

Fire Department / District
Knoxville Fire Department

Case Notes

Disposition Summary
Approve the name change from Richard Street to Vivid Lights Street as requested by the City of Knoxville.
Staff Recommendation
Approve the name change from Richard Street to Vivid Lights Street as requested by the City of Knoxville.
1. The Technical Services Administrator of the City of Knoxville Engineering Department has proposed changing the street name of Richard Street because a partial street closure (2-C-24-SC) has resulted in disconnected street segments having the same name. Approving the name change will address the safety issue for the Knox County Emergency Communications District.
2. No occupiable buildings will be affected by this renaming, as described in the applicant's reason for change.
3. All property owners adjacent to the subject street section were provided the opportunity to suggest a new street name. The name "Vivid Lights Street" was designated by the Addressing department as no other name was selected by majority vote. The Addressing department will manage the needed readdressing for properties that have direct access to this segment.
4. Planning has received no objections to the renaming of this right-of-way.
5. The name change meets all requirements of the City of Knoxville's Code of Ordinances, Chapter 23, Article IV, Section 23-108.

What's next?

This Street Name Change case in the CITY was recommended for approval. The appeal deadline - September 27, 2024 has passed.

City of Knoxville

Case History