Property Information
Location4570 Fennel Rd
Northeast side Fennel Rd., northeast of Elyria Rd.
Council District 5
Census Tract 40
Size2.50 acres
Planning SectorNorth City
Land Use Classification LI LI
Currently on the Property
Vacant and telecommunications tower
Growth PlanUrban Growth Area (Inside City Limits)
- Utilities
SewerKnoxville Utilities Board
WaterKnoxville Utilities Board
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
RECOMMEND that City Council APPROVE I-2 (Restricted Manufacturing and Warehousing) zoning.
Staff Recommendation
RECOMMEND that City Council APPROVE I-2 (Restricted Manufacturing and Warehousing) zoning.
I-2 zoning is consistent with the proposed land use designations found within the North City Sector Plan, One Year Plan and Inskip Small Area Plan; all recommending light industrial for this property.