Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville H: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of Certificate 9-C-23-HZ, subject to the following conditions: 1) applicant to provide final specifications for replacement windows to staff; windows to reflect existing in size, pane division, muntin depth, width, and profile, and material; 2) applicant to provide final specifications for sliding doors/full-light windows to staff for approval; 3) applicant to provide final measurements of new deck, including a railing detail.

Applicant Request
Accessory structure; Deck; Doors; Windows
Exterior rehabilitation of existing accessory structure. Overall project includes window replacement, revision of window and door placement, and addition of a deck.

South elevation: the applicant will remove an existing door and replace with a window to match existing window on right side of elevation.

East elevation: remove existing window and installation of a sliding glass door flanked by two fixed windows of the same size. The size of the door/window combination measures 12' wide by 6'-8" tall.

New deck: proposed new deck along the east elevation, with a section wrapping around the south elevation. The deck will feature Trex composite decking (matching the deck on the primary house) and a vertical aluminum railing with thin pickets and larger square posts. The size of the deck is not specified.

Window replacement: applicant proposes replacement in-kind of 6/6, double-hung wood windows on dormer levels. Applicant proposes the re-installation of new 6/6 double-hung wood windows (specifications not included).

Staff Comments
Queen Anne, c.1899
    Twi-story frame residence with a hipped roof with cross gables clad in asphalt shingles, an exterior of wood lap siding, and a continuous brick foundation. Outbuilding is an original two-story wood frame carriage house with wood board-and-batten cladding.

1. 1001 Thompson Place is a contributing resource to the ONK National Register Historic District and local overlay. The carriage house to receive exterior rehabilitation is an original secondary structure, noted as a contributing resource to the NR district. The exterior rehabilitation work will allow the secondary structure to return to active use.

2. Most of the work is concentrated on elevations that are minimally or not visible from the street. The character-defining carriage doors will be retained and fixed in place from the interior. The original footprint and roofline of the secondary structure will be maintained.

3. On the south elevation, removal of a non-historic door and installation of a second fixed four-light wood window to match the existing is appropriate. The elevation has already been modified; a shed-roof addition projecting from the right half of the elevation is visible in a c.1995 photo and has since been removed. The new window should match the existing in material; muntin depth, width, and profile; and pane division, with trim and a sill to match.

5. Changes to the east elevation face an interior side property line and would not be visible from Armstrong Avenue and very minimally visible from the Thompson Place, if at all, due to the secondary structure's setback and existing vegetation. The installation of sliding glass doors requires the removal of one single-light fixed window but no other character-defining features. The applicant has proposed either wood or aluminum-clad wood for the sliding doors and full-light windows; final specifications should be submitted to staff for approval.

6. The applicant has provided some detail photos of the windows proposed for replacement, including rotten and disconnected stiles and rails, interior sills and casing, and broken panes. The Commission should evaluate the photos of the existing windows. The applicant should submit full specifications of replacement windows to be installed, including measurements for comparison between the two; replacement windows should be the same overall size, pane division, muntin depth, width, and profile, and materials.

7. Composite materials such as Trex have been approved in ONK for new decks. The deck will be minimally visible from the streets, so visual differences between a wood deck and composite materials would be difficult to discern. The deck is proposed to match the existing non-historic deck on the primary structure. Final measurements of the deck should be provided to staff and the deck should meet all setback requirements of the base zoning code.

8. The proposed exterior rehabilitation will accommodate an accessory dwelling unit within the existing footprint and roofline of the structure. A rear setback variance from the BZA is required to convert the existing structure to an ADU.

David and Jessica David and Jessica Bocangel

Planning Staff
Lindsay Crockett
Phone: 865-215-3795
Email: lindsay.crockett@knoxplanning.org
Location Knoxville
1001 Thompson Pl 37918

David and Jessica David and Jessica Bocangel

Case History