Development Plan

Planning Commission


Approved with Conditions

Approve the development plan for a 12-unit townhouse and 30-unit multifamily development and a reduction of the peripheral setback along the western boundary from 35 ft to 30 ft for principal structures and to 20 ft to allow for multi-level decks encroachment, subject to 7 conditions.

See case notes below


Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Applicant Request


Property Information


North side of Ball Camp Pike, east of Middlebrook Pike

Commission District 6

4.02 acres

Place Type Designation
RC (Rural Conservation), SMR (Suburban Mixed Residential), HP (Hillside Ridgetop Protection)

Currently on the Property
Rural Residential

Growth Plan
Planned Growth Area

Fire Department / District
Karns Fire Department

Case Notes

Disposition Summary
Approve the development plan for a 12-unit townhouse and 30-unit multifamily development and a reduction of the peripheral setback along the western boundary from 35 ft to 30 ft for principal structures and to 20 ft to allow for multi-level decks encroachment, subject to 7 conditions.
Staff Recommendation
Approve the development plan for a 12-unit townhouse and 30-unit multifamily development and a reduction of the peripheral setback along the western boundary from 35 ft to 30 ft for principal structures and to 20 ft to allow for multi-level decks encroachment, subject to 7 conditions.
1) During permitting phase, providing complete architectural plans including elevation drawings with building materials to be used for review and approval by Planning staff to ensure that the development is consistent with the recommended housing forms of the SMR (Suburban Mixed Residential) place type.
2) During permitting phase, providing a detailed landscape plan for review and approval by Planning Commission staff.
3) Providing a sidewalk connection from Schaad Road to the proposed internal sidewalks, if the slope allows for ADA compliance. Alternative pedestrian access may be provided with the approval of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works.
4) Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works, including but not limited to, ensuring that the proposed driveway meets access control standards.
5) Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Zoning Ordinance.
6) Installing all landscaping, as shown in the detailed landscape plan, within six months of issuance of an occupancy permit for this project or posting a bond with the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works to guarantee installation.
7) If during design plan approval or construction of the development, it is discovered that unforeseen off-site improvements within the right-of-way are necessary, the developer will either enter into an MOU with the County for these improvements or reimburse the County for their direct expenses (if competed by County crews) to make corrections deemed necessary.
This request is for a 12-unit townhouse and 30-unit multifamily development. The multifamily structure is 2-storied on the front and 3-storied on the rear side (along the western property boundary). The townhouse units are proposed within two structures - a 3-story structure along the northern property boundary that accommodates 8 units and a 2-story townhouse on the opposite side of the former that accommodates 4 units. The applicant has provided preliminary drawings for the 3-story townhouse and shared example photos of design directions for the 2-story townhouse and the multifamily structure (Exhibit B). As described below in the 'Future Land Use Map' section, further review would be required to ensure that the development plan satisfies the criteria for approval.

In the exercise of its administrative judgment, the Planning Commission shall determine if the proposed plan is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the zoning ordinance and adopted plans.

PR (k) (Planned Residential) up to 12 du/ac with one condition, PR (Planned Residential) up to 5 du/ac:
A. The PR zone is intended to provide flexibility for different types of residential development including houses, duplexes, and multi-dwelling structures. There are several matured trees and some slopes in the property that would benefit from the flexibility permitted by the PR zone to cluster development in the most optimal area.
B. An approximate 0.64-acre portion on the northwest corner of the property is zoned for a density up to 5 du/ac, while the remaining portion of this 4.01-acre property has an approved density up to 12 du/ac. The County Commission added a condition to the approval of the latter that no more than 43 units can be built on this entire property (6-N-24-RZ). This development plan proposes 42 units in total.
C. The site layout conforms to the setback, lot coverage, landscaping, and parking requirements of the zone. The proposed structures meet the maximum height restriction of 3 stories for houses in the PR zone. The recommended reduction of the peripheral setback would allow flexibility for façade variations and is supplemented by a Type C landscape screen. The adjacent property to the west also has additional vegetation.

A. Create neighborhoods with a variety of housing types and amenities in close proximity. (Policy 5) - The proposed development has a mix of townhouses and multifamily units and there are community-serving amenities such as Ball Camp Elementary School, Nicholas Ball Park, and Ball Camp Park nearby.
B. Encourage development practices that conserve and connect natural features and habitat. (Policy 7) - The development proposes to retain all the mature trees located on the southeast portion of the site and largely avoids the vegetated steep portion on the northwest corner of the property.

A. The property is designated as the RC (Rural Conservation) and SMR (Suburban Mixed Residential) place types. The proposed development is located primarily on the SMR portion. The SMR place type calls for a mix of housing types, including small-scale multifamily housing. The place type specifies a building height maximum of 3 stories and a front setback of 20-30 ft, and stipulates that multiplexes and townhouses have the scale of a single family home.
The proposal meets the form attributes of building height and setbacks and will be expected to meet the stipulation for multiplexes and townhouses to be of single-family scale. While the façade variation in the multifamily units and the use of separate structures for the townhouse units are intended to provide a house-like scale, the submitted drawings are preliminary in nature. The exact sizes of the form and building materials for the 2-story townhouse and the multifamily structure are unknown at this time. Therefore, staff recommends a condition for approval of complete architectural plans during the permitting phase to ensure that the development is consistent with the recommended housing forms of the SMR place type (Condition 1).
C. Walking is considered to be a secondary transportation mode for this place type. Staff recommends providing a sidewalk connection to Schaad Road, subject to the feasibility of meeting ADA accessibility standards.

A. The property is within the Planned Growth Boundary. The purposes of the Planned Growth Area designation are to encourage a reasonably compact pattern of development, promote expansion of the Knox County economy, offer a wide range of housing choices, and coordinate the action of the public and private sectors, particularly with regard to provision of adequate roads, utilities, schools, drainage and other public facilities and services.

What's next?

Planning Commission decisions on Development Plans (DP) are final unless appealed.

Appeals can be filed with the Knox County Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) or a court of competent jurisdiction within 30 days of the Planning Commission's decision (Knox County, Tennessee Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, Zoning, 6.50.08).


Justin Harvey

Case History