Historic Zoning Commission

Fourth and Gill H: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of Certificate 9-F-24-HZ, subject to the following conditions:
1) new addition to be inset from primary house by at least 6 inches;
2) exterior window trim to be repaired and/or replaced in-kind;
3) new fiber cement shingles to match existing asbestos shingles in size, thickness, and detail, with measurements provided to staff;
4) new porch flooring to use tongue-and-groove wood instead of decking;
5) front porch railing detail to be submitted to staff for review.

Applicant Request
Additions; Deck; Porch; Roofing; Siding; Windows
Exterior rehabilitation and rear addition.

Rear addition:
- Removal of existing (non-contributing) rear addition (appx. 7'x 17.5').
- Construction of new 17' x 19' rear addition, with rear corner setback of 5'. Addition will feature a gable roof clad in asphalt shingles, an exterior of fiber cement shingle siding, and a parge-coated CMU foundation. The addition will feature two double-hung windows flanking a secondary access door.
- Construction of new 12'x8' wooden deck with aluminum balusters at rear of new addition.

Exterior rehabilitation scopes:
- Removal of all existing windows, excluding the decorative diamond window on the right elevation. Installation of new wood double-hung windows in all existing window openings. New windows will reflect existing size, design and materials.
- Proposed removal of two windows on the rear elevation: leftmost window on first-story, rear elevation and center window on second-story to be enclosed with siding.
- Repair of the existing wood window trim on the diamond window on the right elevation. Installation of new glass into existing frame, replacing current boards.
- Existing asbestos shingle siding to remain. In sections requiring patching, applicant proposes to patch with fiber cement shingle siding. Repair of existing siding with in-kind fiber cement shingle siding.
- Removal of existing wood soffit and fascia and replacement in-kind with new wood soffit and fascia.
- Removal of existing wooden front porch balusters and replacement in-kind with new wooden balusters.
- Removal of existing wooden front porch ceiling and installation of new tongue and grove wood ceiling.
- Removal of existing wooden deck boards on front porch, repair of floor system, and installation of new wood deck boards.
- Routine repair of foundation, including new parge coating on deteriorated sections.

Staff Comments
Craftsman, c.1930
    1.5-story frame residence with a side-gable roof clad in asphalt shingles and an exterior of asbestos siding. Full-length, hipped roof porch.

1. 1028 Luttrell Street is a contributing resource to the Fourth and Gill NR district and the local overlay. The house has experienced a significant amount of deferred maintenance, leading to deteriorated windows, foundation, siding, and roofing.

2. The rear addition to be removed is a non-historic enclosed porch, resting on a deteriorated, non-code compliant foundation, of which the City Plans Review and Inspections would not permit rehabilitation. Demolition of the rear addition is appropriate.

3. The new one-story, gable-roof rear addition is proportionate to the primary house. On the left side elevation, the addition will extend approximately 17' from the main massing of the house, an additional 10' from the existing rear addition. Due to the adjacent vacant lot, the left elevation of the addition will be visible from the right of way. The addition has been revised to include one window to contribute additional transparency to a large swath of siding.

The applicant has included two options in response to discussion at the September 2024 HZC meeting. The first choice addition projects 8" out from the primary house via a cantilevered addition (the 8" offset does not continue to the foundation). The second option is inset 6" from the primary house. The first option proposed to extend 8" out from the foundation is not compatible with the historic context and does not make the addition secondary to the main house.

4. The existing wood double-hung windows have been subject to extensive deferred maintenance and are deteriorated. The applicant has provided specifications for one-over-one, double-hung windows to reflect the existing sizes. Replacement windows meet the design guidelines, and the re-installation of glass in the existing diamond-shaped window will contribute to the house. The existing exterior window trim should be repaired or replaced in-kind.

Responding to discussion at the September meeting, the revised application indicates where the paired double-hung windows on the north elevation will be replaced with a single double-hung window (compare photos to elevation drawings for north elevation, first story, leftmost bay of original house).

5. The two windows proposed to be removed are located on the rear elevation and will not be visible from the right-of-way due to the new addition. Removal of these windows is appropriate.

6. The applicant intends to retain the existing asbestos shingle siding wherever possible. Due to the unavailability of new asbestos shingles to patch, the application proposes new textured fiber cement shingles to patch the existing and on the new addition. In the opinion of staff, the limited patching of fiber cement shingles, especially on less visible elevations where the siding deterioration is most significant, is appropriate within the guidelines. The existing asbestos shingles most likely date to the 1940s or 1950s, are expensive and challenging to remove, and can be patched. The fiber cement shingles should be confirmed to match the asbestos shingles in size, thickness, and visual detail.

7. Repair to and replacement in-kind to the wood porch railing is appropriate. The existing porch columns and beams will be retained. Guidelines recommend replicating original wood porch flooring, which was typically tongue-and-groove instead of decking. The applicant should submit a final detail of the new porch railing to staff.

8. Other rehabilitation scopes, including the repair and replacement in-kind to existing wood soffit and fascia, new roof cladding, repair and replacement in-kind to the porch tongue-and-groove ceiling, and new parge-coating on the already stucco-clad foundation, meet the design guidelines.

Sarah Morrow, Uplifted Properties LLC

Planning Staff
Lindsay Crockett
Phone: 865-215-3795
Email: lindsay.crockett@knoxplanning.org
Location Knoxville
1028 Luttrell St. 37917

Central City

Sarah Morrow, Uplifted Properties LLC

Case History

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