Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville H: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of the sunroom window replacement, with preference to the 6/6 pane arrangement to reflect the existing, allowing for Commission and neighborhood discussion on window materials.

Applicant Request
Replacement of rear sunroom windows. Existing windows to be removed include 7 six-over-six, double-hung, wood windows. Installation of 7 double-hung, aluminum-clad wood windows with simulated divided lights. Applicant has provided specs for one-over-one windows, two-over-two windows to match the existing house, or six-over-six windows to match the existing.

Scope of work also includes removal of existing exterior wood window trim and sills, and installation of replacement wood window trim and sills.

Staff Comments
Queen Anne, c. 1900.
    Two-story residence with wood weatherboard wall covering and a brick foundation. House features a hipped roof with lower cross gables clad in asphalt shingles, wood shingles in gable, and a pedimented lintel above attic windows. Two-story, three-quarter front porch featuring round Doric columns and a turned wood balustrade.

1. 215 E. Oklahoma Ave is a contributing structure to the local historic overlay.

2. The existing windows are located on an original porch that was enclosed at some point after 1950, and they appear to be the original windows installed during this renovation. The windows are rotting and in poor condition. Replacement is appropriate.

3. Guidelines recommend that the original pane division be replicated. Of the three proposed replacement windows, the 6/6 option reflects the pane division. The other options may be feasible based on the location and application of the replacement windows; the Commission should discuss the pane division . The windows use simulated divided lights, and while these are discouraged by design guidelines, they have been approved in other cases in Old North Knoxville.

4. Design guidelines also specify that replacement windows should use "the same materials as the original windows;" the proposed windows are made from aluminum-clad wood. Aluminum-clad windows have been approved in new construction and new additions in Old North Knoxville, and other alternative materials such as fiberglass have been allowed in limited instances on elevations not visible from the right of way. The Commission and neighborhood should discuss the proposed aluminum-clad wood material on a rear elevation porch.

Kelly Arsenault & Scott Angelius

Planning Staff
Lindsay Crockett
Phone: 865-215-3795
Email: lindsay.crockett@knoxplanning.org
Location Knoxville
215 E. Oklahoma Ave. 37917

Central City

Kelly Arsenault & Scott Angelius

Case History