Approve the RA (Low Density Residential) zone because it is consistent with the Knox County Comprehensive Plan. The F (Floodway) would be retained.
Approve the RA (Low Density Residential) zone because it is consistent with the Knox County Comprehensive Plan. The F (Floodway) would be retained.
This residential zone provides for medium population density. The principal uses of land may range from houses to multi-dwelling structures or developments. Certain uses which are more compatible functionally with intensive residential uses than with commercial uses are permitted. Other related uses in keeping with the residential character of the zone may be permitted on review by the planning commission.
This zone provides for a wide range of agricultural and related uses as well as residential uses with low population densities and other compatible uses which generally require large areas or open spaces.
The F, Floodway Zones, are established for the purpose of meeting the needs of the streams to carry floodwaters of a five hundred (500) year frequency flood and protecting the river, creek channels and floodplains from encroachment so that flood heights and flood damage will not be increased; to provide the necessary regulations for the protection of the public health and safety in areas subject to flooding; and to reduce the financial burdens imposed on the community by floods and the overflow of lands.
This residential zone provides for residential areas with low population densities. These areas are intended to be defined and protected from encroachment of uses not performing a function necessary to the residential environment.
The F, Floodway Zones, are established for the purpose of meeting the needs of the streams to carry floodwaters of a five hundred (500) year frequency flood and protecting the river, creek channels and floodplains from encroachment so that flood heights and flood damage will not be increased; to provide the necessary regulations for the protection of the public health and safety in areas subject to flooding; and to reduce the financial burdens imposed on the community by floods and the overflow of lands.
West side of Crippen Rd, southeast of E Emory Road
Commission District 7