
Final Plat



The concept plan indicating the overall layout and design for this plat was approved on 3/10/2022 as Planning Case 1-SA-22-C. Per Subdivision Regulations, Sections 2.08.A and 2.10.F, the final plat must be in substantial conformance with the approved concept plan. Planning staff affirms that this plat is in substantial conformance with the concept plan and recommends approval.
The last revision of the final plat was received after the corrections deadline as Planning staff notified the surveyor of a typographical error and missing lot number for the Common Area without sufficient time for the surveyor to make corrections. Planning staff has allowed the plat to remain on the agenda in accordance with Section 2.10.C.6, which states the nine-day final plat correction deadline may be waived with just cause. Additionally, revisions to the final plat were submitted in time to be included in the Planning Commission documentation.


Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Applicant Request

Final Plat of The Highlands at Hardin Valley Phase 1C
60 (Split)
Yes - SF

Property Information

12202 Couch Mill Rd.

Northeast of Olympic Valley Dr, southeast of Signal View Rd

Commission District 6

12.80 acres

Place Type Designation
SR (Suburban Residential)

Growth Plan
Planned Growth Area

Fire Department / District
Karns Fire Department

What's next?

Final Plat appeals will be heard by the Planning Commission.
Appeals of Concept Plans and Final Plats are filed with Chancery CourtThe Process

Final Plat of The Highlands at Hardin Valley Phase 1C

SH Couchmill LLC

Case History