August 8, 2024
Planning Commission meeting

Public Comments

Richard (37932), June 14, 2024 at 2:37 PM

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Kasey (37918), July 24, 2024 at 11:18 PM
(Message is attached in Long Comment .pdf)
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Heather (37931), July 10, 2024 at 4:36 PM
Absolutely nothing else needs to go at this ridiculously busy intersection. The traffic is already a mess, the school is overcrowded, and it's right on the creek that tends to flood. It will hurt wildlife, traffic flow, and schools. Stop with the greed and make developers expand into other areas of Knox County, but responsibly. Karns failing infrastructure cannot handle any more developments.
John (37932), June 17, 2024 at 9:01 PM
Adding another subdivsion access to Bob Gray will push the traffic to unbearable levels. Bob Gray is crowded as is, will only increase the number of accidents on the road. Bob Gray is to narrow to handle another 25% in crease in traffic. Put the access on Pellissippi as the other access is, will only be 100 feet or so from the other access. My question with the increase in traffic on Bob Gray will it decrease the property value of houses on Bob Gray.

Barry and Wendy
Barry and Wendy (37932), July 17, 2024 at 10:36 AM
Along with the attachment, please consider the amount of apartments already using Bob Gray and those being built right now across from Bob Gray and Lovell Road.
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Rhonda (37932), June 26, 2024 at 9:08 PM
And furthermore.....Apparently it was deemed unsafe to allow an entrance via Pellissippi Parkway, but routing all this traffic through a quiet suburban neighborhood is even MORE unsafe and unbelievably stupid! Not only will this create a traffic flow nightmare once these 90+ properties are created, the residence of this neighborhood would have to endure a construction nightmare for several YEARS as equipment and dump trucks navigate the twisting turns of our neighborhood streets to make this fiasco complete. All of us in the county are completely on board with growth but is this the way to do it? No, it absolutely is not! To allow this access through our neighborhood is unequivocably not an option!
Rhonda (37932), June 26, 2024 at 9:18 PM
And furthermore.....Apparently it was deemed unsafe to allow an entrance via Pellissippi Parkway, but routing all this traffic through a quiet suburban neighborhood is even MORE unsafe and unbelievably stupid! Not only will this create a traffic flow nightmare once these 90+ properties are created, the residence of this neighborhood would have to endure a construction nightmare for several YEARS as equipment and dump trucks navigate the twisting turns of our neighborhood streets to make this fiasco complete. All of us in the county are completely on board with growth but is this the way to do it? No, it absolutely is not! To allow this access through our neighborhood is unequivocally not an option!
Planning Staff
Planning Staff (37902), July 23, 2024 at 10:29 AM
Attached comments were submitted to the Design Review Board for case 4-D-24-DT prior to the item's approval on June 20, 2024. The item has been appealed to the Planning Commission as case 8-A-24-OB.
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Joshua (37918), July 24, 2024 at 9:14 PM
Attached is a request for denial
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Ryan (37931), June 21, 2024 at 9:29 PM
Byington Beaver Ridge Rd is a narrow 2 lane State Route and last year saw an average daily traffic count of 9,630 cars. It's 35 mph posted limit is routinely disregarded substantially and has been the host of multiple fatal traffic accidents. You will show NO DUE REGARD to the safety of current residents if you shoehorn 21 additional lots into a backyard and call it a subdivision. There is no infrastructure to support such lunacy. The proposal should be laughed out of the room. The lot has VERY little road frontage (just barely 200'), and it would be an engineering marvel to add the required access road to feed a new subdivision of 21 additional lots where there is just barely room for one driveway. Because of old growth trees, typical to the original home construction, traffic visibility is poor and would be a recipe for disastrously bad crashes. The current utilities are NOT adequate, as there are constant outages and repairs on the water mains which are stressed by capacity and age. The developer has turned this formerly beautiful lot into an eyesore and a landfill, growing a bumper crop of old appliances, garbage, and construction debris for almost 2 years now. Please don't allow developer greed to rule this decision, please take into account the safety of the current residents on this road. Please make the right choice and deny this proposal.
Ryan (37931), June 21, 2024 at 9:31 PM
Byington Beaver Ridge Rd is a narrow 2 lane State Route and last year saw an average daily traffic count of 9,630 cars. It's 35 mph posted limit is routinely disregarded substantially and has been the host of multiple fatal traffic accidents. You will show NO DUE REGARD to the safety of current residents if you shoehorn 21 additional lots into a backyard and call it a subdivision. There is no infrastructure to support such lunacy. The proposal should be laughed out of the room. The lot has VERY little road frontage (just barely 200'), and it would be an engineering marvel to add the required access road to feed a new subdivision of 21 additional lots where there is just barely room for one driveway. Because of old growth trees, typical to the original home construction, traffic visibility is poor and would be a recipe for disastrously bad crashes. The current utilities are NOT adequate, as there are constant outages and repairs on the water mains which are stressed by capacity and age. The developer has turned this formerly beautiful lot into an eyesore and a landfill, growing a bumper crop of old appliances, garbage, and construction debris for almost 2 years now. Please don't allow developer greed to rule this decision, please take into account the safety of the current residents on this road. Please make the right choice and deny this proposal.
Scot (37918), July 24, 2024 at 9:19 PM
Can someone please tell us as good citizen of Knoxville, why are we being discomforted by a higher density property proposal, which surrounds both sides of one of the busiest fire stations in the city of Knoxville? If this higher density zoning proposal is allowed to exist, it will be destined to clog the arteries of roads that counter the very purpose of this fire department's existence. These hard working medics and firemen require low density housing to access and rescue the emergency needs of our voting residence, who depend on them in numerous ways, every single night and every single day. I am against the zoning for these properties to be changed from RN-1 to RN-4. I am also against these parcels of land being changed on the Sector Plan, One Year plan amendment from low density to medium density Residential. Thank you for your consideration.
Sarah (37923), July 22, 2024 at 10:03 PM
Can someone with Planning please address the copious concerns regarding Rand Partners common practices and management of properties? I have searched the web and online forums and have not found one positive review of this company. I have only found people requesting the city of Knoxville to boycott Rand Partners and for renters to avoid their properties at all costs. The fact that this is going un addressed is very concerning and shows a remarkable lack of concern on the behalf of city planners to works toward the improvement of East Knoxville. See thread:
Ed (37932), June 28, 2024 at 10:48 PM
Do not punish our neighborhood to rescue a guy who was arrogant enough to buy a landlocked piece of land without checking in access. We are not required to sacrifice our neighborhood to bail him out. We don’t was to put ourselves and families st risk for dsnger due to the increase traffic flow. Also, we certainly do not need to clear cut 10 acres of mature trees. Just a terrible idea all around.
Jessica (37920), July 14, 2024 at 1:01 PM
Extremely concerned about the road width . Traffic is already an issue due to narrowness of road and potential ingress/egress to a proposed multi home development. On both sides of property in question are hills which create blind spots. Access to 129 has increased traffic on Ginn Farm Road.
Rhonda (37932), June 26, 2024 at 9:11 PM
First the first part......There are SO many things wrong with the plans for this development that I don’t even know where to begin! The plan to route traffic from a development comprised of approximately 90+ townhomes along a twisting path through tight streets, with NO SIDEWALKS, in a neighborhood that has already been established for 20+ years, is going to create a hazard of catastrophic proportions for the existing residence of Highvue and Lovell Heights! This is going to quadruple the amount of traffic that currently flows through those streets were people feel safe to allow their children to play, and to walk their pets, without a fear of being run over. It seems like the growth plan for Knox County is to simply use every square inch of land to throw as many crappy apartments or condominiums on said land as possible. Why traffic is not being routed to an entrance on Bob Ray Road is beyond comprehension.
Andy (37932), June 30, 2024 at 8:12 PM
Highvue Acres is a community that embodies charm, tradition, and a strong sense of unity. Our streets are more than pathways for vehicles; they are where our children play, our families walk, and our neighbors connect. The essence of our subdivision lies in its peaceful ambiance and close-knit relationships among residents. The proposed development, coupled with the traffic from Parkway Heights, is projected to generate over 2,000 trips per day through our Local Streets. This significant influx of traffic on our local streets not only threatens to subdue the aforementioned community values but adversely affect Highvue Acres by noise, lights, and traffic congestion. Furthermore, the infrastructure of Highvue Acres is not designed to handle such high traffic volumes. The increase in traffic will lead to congestion and a heightened risk of accidents, particularly affecting our residents who rely on these safe streets for their daily activities. The character and charm of Highvue Acres will be forever altered by this proposal. The increased foot and vehicle traffic will infringe upon the personal space and privacy of our residents. The sense of community that we cherish will be compromised as our neighborhood becomes a thoroughfare for this development. In conclusion, THIS IS A BAD IDEA and I urge you to reconsider the approval of this development in its current form.
Jim (37932), June 14, 2024 at 8:49 PM
How can this even be considered? Routing that much traffic through a subdivision raises all kinds of safety and privacy concerns for our subdivision. Please don't let this pass. Either deny this project or have the entrance/exit of these condos be on Bob Gray Road. Would you all like to have new condo traffic disturbing your subdivision?
Bryce (37932), June 24, 2024 at 7:41 AM
I am a resident of the quiet and peaceful neighborhood you are intending to ruin by routing an extra 2,000 cars per day through Boyington Dr. This attempt to quietly approve an extreme change to our neighborhood lacks any sense of integrity or duty of office. No one in their right mind would find this change acceptable in their own, well-established neighborhood and neither do we. Especially when you have the ability to tie it in directly to Pellissippi Pkwy and Bob Gray Rd. Both of these roads will still be utilized by the same traffic in order to get to these new homes (same as I do) yet you find it ideal to also route that traffic into our neighborhood? At best this idea is half-cooked. At worst you are looking for an easy way to get around tying directly into Pellissippi Pkwy and have no regard for the residents who already live here.
Bryce (37932), June 24, 2024 at 7:37 AM
I am a resident of the quiet and peaceful neighborhood you are intending to ruin by routing an extra 2,000 cars per day through Boyington Dr. This attempt to quietly approve an extreme change to our neighborhood lacks any sense of integrity or duty of office. No one in their right mind would find this change acceptable in their own, well-established neighborhood and neither do we. Especially when you have the ability to tie it in directly to Pellissippi Pkwy and Bob Gray Rd. Both of these roads will still be utilized by the same traffic in order to get to these new homes (same as I do) yet you find it ideal to also route that traffic into our neighborhood? At best this idea is half-cooked. At worst you are looking for an easy way to get around tying directly into Pellissippi and have zero regard for the people who already live here.
Matthew (37938), July 19, 2024 at 3:03 PM
I am absolutely opposed to a development or multiple homes being built in this area. The planning commission needs to do their due diligence on this lot, the roadway is not conducive with save entry or exit and any restructuring of the roadway will drastically effect safety and usability of the neighborhood. I will be working to share this information with neighbors.
Pamela (37932), June 12, 2024 at 6:55 PM
I am completely and totally against routing traffic through an already established subdivision where traffic plans were not developed to handle over 900 additional vehicle trips per day. This will negatively effect my property value, diminish the tranquility of the neighborhood, render Highvue Dr completely unable to accommodate pedestrians, bicycles and other conveyances enjoyed by myself and my neighbors.

Additionally, allowing this construction will destroy standing timber lining the west side of Pellissippi Parkway. Mature oak trees and other indigenous forestry serving as sound buffer.

This will negatively impact the quality of life for the residents of Highvue Drive. I am directly impacted. Over 900 additional vehicles per day will cause hazards leaving my driveway.

I am completely against routing traffic through Highvue Dr.
Jere (37932), July 2, 2024 at 3:02 PM
I am completely opposed to routing all traffic from this new sub division and the existing Blinken Street sub division into our Lovell View sub division. The Lovell View sub division was built in the early 1970's, the roads in our neighborhood were set up for local traffic only. Our Lovell view neighborhood cannot accommodate pass-thru traffic, it was never designed for that. Adding the additional 1000 or more cars and trucks a day will be a huge safety hazard, destroy the tranquility of our homes, add noise and pollution, and destroy our property value. The original proposal to build an entrance to the new sub division connecting to Bob Gray road is the correct and only solution. Bob Gray road is set up and designed for the additional traffic and connects to Lovell Road with a traffic light at that intersection. The Bob Gray road entrance to the new sub division is perfect, it will give residents in that neighborhood direct access to a major road undeterred with what they would experience with the twisting turns, steep hills , speed bumps, school bus stops, flooded roads(Viking has major flooding during any rain storms), pedestrians and joggers, etc. Like I said earlier, our long-time established Lovell View neighborhood is just that a neighborhood, was not designed or intended to ever have high volume pass-thru traffic.
Kat & Bill
Kat & Bill (37932), June 23, 2024 at 9:56 AM
I am in complete agreement with John. Adding another subdivision access to Bob Gray will push the traffic to unbearable levels. Bob Gray is crowded as is, will only increase the number of accidents on the road. Bob Gray is to narrow to handle another 25% increase in traffic and others who have voiced their concerns regarding the developers proposal to route traffic via a cut-thru Boyington Road as I am completely and totally against routing traffic through an already established subdivision where traffic plans were not developed to handle over 900 additional vehicle trips per day. If Mr. Horobet had done his homework prior to purchasing the land he would have known that if an area of land has been vacant & undeveloped (especially in an area within Technology Corridor) there was a reason for that status. This is on him - his lack of foresight should NOT to be transferred, as a burden, to those living in Highvue Acres as there are NO positives to be gained by granting his request for a cut-thru for those of us that call it home!
Carole (37912), June 4, 2024 at 2:59 PM
i am opposed to the project because of the increased traffic. this single residence was not designed for this amount of traffic going down melstone to merchants rd. there is a community pool half way down on melstone were is is always crowded on spring and summer months
Susan (37938), July 19, 2024 at 6:19 PM
I am opposed to this plan to build more houses on this road. The road suffers enough water run off and has had some negative impact on our neighbors that are right on York and is apparent with the poor quality seen on the actual road. Further, we do not want to see an overdevelopment in this small area. There are surrounding subdivisions already and we do not need more to be built.
Hillary (37938), July 25, 2024 at 11:20 PM
I am strongly opposed to the rezoning in this case to add multiple houses and/or duplexes and/or apartments on this property. This part of York Rd is already neglected and in sad condition. The water run off alone keeps the road broken up and in bad shape. Also, this is not a safe place to add a driveway or road as it is on a blind hill. We do not want or need multiple homes added to our neighborhood.
Pamela (37932), June 27, 2024 at 9:27 PM
I am totally OPPOSED to the approval of the ONLY entrance to this new condo complex using Boyington Dr. in Highvue Acres as the access entrance. HIghvue Dr. will be the only route to reach Boyington Dr. The increase in car volume will be disastrous .Cars will be either coming down or going up Highvue Dr. everyday. Entering Bob Gray Rd. from Highvue Dr. is already dangerous. To turn right off of Highvue Dr. to Bob Gray Rd requires the driver to use both sides of the road because of a large ditch on the road. The safely of the neighborhood will be extremely compromised. Children playing, people walking, people walking dogs, biking riding is a significant everyday occurrance. There will be more school bus stops with children walking to the stop in the dark and cold. There are NO sidewalks or street lights. SAFETY is always the first concern in a neighborhood. The rezoning signs were on Bob Gray Rd. No sign was placed on Boyington Dr. to inform the neighborhood of rezoning the property. My property value will go down because of the huge increase in traffic in the neighborhood. THIS IS A QUIET, VERY SAFE NEIGHBORHOOD AND NEEDS TO BE PRESERVED.
Jared (37932), June 19, 2024 at 3:33 PM
I am very strongly against the proposed connection to Boyington Drive. My wife and I moved into this neighborhood with our two young children, one of the specific reasons being because the streets were not busy and we saw people walking very often. Between the traffic increase and the construction target of 2027, this means that when our kids are in elementary and middle school, we won't feel safe letting them ride bikes or retrieve an overthrown ball from the street. Please connect to a main road and leave our neighborhood out of the proprosed development plans. To reiterate, my wife and I are strongly against this proposal.
Jared (37932), June 19, 2024 at 3:31 PM
I am very strongly against the proposed connection to Boyington Drive. My wife and I moved into this neighborhood with our two young children, one of the specific reasons being because the streets were not busy and we saw people walking very often. Between the traffic increase and the construction target of 2027, this means that when our kids are in elementary and middle school, we won't feel safe letting them ride bikes or retrieve an overthrown ball from the street. Please connect to a main road and leave our neighborhood out of the proprosed development plans. To reiterate, my wife and I are strongly against this proposal.
Paula (37932), June 25, 2024 at 1:07 AM
I am writing to voice my strong opposition to the development of land adjacent to Highvue Acres and the proposed creation of a neighborhood entrance inside our small neighborhood. This street cannot accommodate to handle the traffic that will be generated by the development. Bob Gray Rd. is not equipped to handle an additional 900-2050 predicted daily trips. This would be destructive to this neighborhood setting that is currently safe for pedestrian and bike traffic and would result in the destruction of mature trees that protects our neighborhood from further traffic pollution. I implore you to do that right thing to protect a well established neighborhood that cannot safely accommodate such a proposal.
Kelly (37932), July 3, 2024 at 1:17 PM
I completely oppose of this plan! It will destroy our neighborhood! Those who have children and pets will lose the ability to walk our streets freely. This plan is only to help someone else with money, rather than help our neighborhood. This will not help our future of those around us, we need to keep a close knitted neighborhood instead of being overran. There is already enough traffic as there is! This plan is insanely ridiculous! Don't destroy a community!
Fleida (4638), June 4, 2024 at 2:41 PM
I have lived here for 25 years This has always been a good neighborhood for seniors to walk in and children to play in. the increased traffic from new project in not good for neighborhood. The new project should have its own entrance in and out instead of going 1 mile thru a subdivision with 10 connecting stop signs. Halfway up melstone there is a pool were many traffic accidents have occurred.
Pamela (37932), June 20, 2024 at 5:40 PM
I have lived on Highvue Dr. for 35 years. This is a quiet and safe neighborhood with very little homeowner changes. The idea of having a main entrance to a new subdivision off Boyington Dr. is a DISASTER. There would be huge trucks, bulldozers for clearing and removable of tress on this plot of land. Heavy equipment tracker trailers bringing in all the building supplies will ruin the streets and creating a horrible daily mess of the neighborhood streets. Navigating these streets with all this very heavy equipment will be extremely difficult. The traffic will be impossible to navigate on a daily basis. During the school year, school buses are in the neighborhood. This will add additional stops for the buses. Therefore, constantly watching children getting on and off the school bus. Children do play in the neighborhood throughout the year.
I am completely opposed to the proposal of rezoning this land.
6 -C-24-TOB
6-SB- 24-C
Ed (37932), June 18, 2024 at 8:46 PM
I have seen really bad ideas before but this one might be one of the worst. This will impact everything in our neighborhood, increased traffic and noise and danger to walkers, bikers and even pulling out of our driveways. Trying to piggyback access from an established road in this neighborhood is disgusting and cowardly and we’re not gonna be used to line the pockets of a developer by destroying our perfect neighborhood. Other people have mentioned negatively affecting our property value and that is true but this would unfairly and unequivocally increase the property value of the new development on probably inferior construction from our homes. This is unacceptable and smells like something dastardly is afoot.
Donna (37920), July 14, 2024 at 3:42 PM
I live in the neighborhood adjacent to the proposed building site for this proposed project. Ginn Farm Road is precariously narrow and cannot handle any additional traffic without a widening of the road. Additionally, I believe this property is in the county and not the city thus would not have city sewer service. I am told that the property in question would be too small for drain fields and septic tanks for 7 homes. It is my understanding that the homes on either side of the site in question both have septic tanks. Please do not approve this project.
Tammy (37932), June 19, 2024 at 8:31 PM
I purchased my home 10 plus years ago in this quite family friendly neighborhood, my last home. Now the plan, for what reason, is to route new condo traffic which will add 2000 plus trips through our neighborhood. These streets cannot handle that amount of traffic, and the safety aspect is astronomical. Opposed to this plan is not a strong enough word for this "not thought out plan".
Dan (37932), June 16, 2024 at 5:16 PM
I strongly second the great comments from Pamela and Dustin. My family and all neighbors with whom I have spoken are completely opposed to creating access to the proposed development via Boyington Drive or any other route through our quiet family neighborhood. This could add more than 2,000 vehicle trips per day through our neighborhood, which is not built to handle such a heavy load of traffic. Our neighborhood has a daily high volume of children at play, walkers, dog walkers, joggers and bicyclists. Creating this access is a safety risk to all of our neighbors. I am totally opposed to routing traffic to the proposed development via Highvue Drive and Lovell View Drive.

Walter (37938), July 20, 2024 at 9:01 AM
I vote against the refining efforts to build these houses so close to our sub- div. The water run off is already bad enough ! Thank you for your consideration.
Adam (37932), June 14, 2024 at 11:42 AM
I want to express my concern over the proposed plan to route traffic for this development through Boyington Dr. and our neighborhood.

Why was the plan changed from routing this traffic through Bob Gray? What is the plan for traffic control, road maintenance, and pedestrian safety? What is the plan for noise control from the interstate with the loss of these trees?

Adding significantly more traffic to an already established neighborhood as opposed to major road capable of handling an influx of traffic seems very short sighted. Current residents seem to be lost in the consideration of this project and the impact it will have on our neighborhood. In addition, the new traffic pattern will require new residents to weave through a neighborhood rather than making one turn off Bob Gray. This would be a deterrent to me as a buyer and I imagine others as well.

I want to be clear. I am against routing this much traffic through our neighborhood period. But especially if there's no plan to address the added stress and inconveniences to our neighborhood. Go back to the original plan and route traffic to Bob Gray, a road capable of handling this much traffic
Darlene (37938), July 22, 2024 at 4:25 PM
I'm opposed to the rezoning of houses/duplexes on this case. This part of York is on a blind hill & could be extremely dangerous to residents. York road needs construction work done to it now. Traffic has increased a lot in just the past couple of years. Water crossing the road is another big problem. I've had that problems for years with it running into our driveway & it's really bad. The County has been out here a few times over this issue. So, again I am strongly against this rezoning at 4338 York Rd. Most of the residents around this rezoning have been here for decades.
Patricia (37912), June 24, 2024 at 11:11 AM
In 2014 a developer submitted the use of Monterey Oaks 8.23 acres tract for 18 single-family detached lots, at a density of 2.19 du/ac. FILE #1-SB-14-C MPC stated that one of the (10) conditions for approval was: "Providing a geotechnical study prepared by a registered engineer for the proposed building sites for Lots 6-15, verifying that the subsurface is suitable for building construction. The geotechnical study must be submitted to the Knoxville Department of Engineering for review and approval prior to approval of a building permit for each lot." It was observed that the original developer (Camdun Realty LLC) dug out a large area within the now proposed duplex site as a dumping ground for dozens of large tree stumps, which were then buried. The decomposition of these stumps would make the ground unstable for the future of permanent buildings. It is critical for the safety and integrity of any structures that this area be deemed thoroughly safe. This major concern, as well as the previous runoff problems related to the slope of the acreage, must be given serious investigation before any building is permitted.

Elisha (37912), June 26, 2024 at 7:03 PM
In Appendix B, Article 6, Section 1 of the city of Knoxville's Code of Ordinances, General Industrial Zoning Districts "allow for a range of general industrial uses", which may "[render] them incompatible with retail, service, or residential uses." This lot is directly across Inskip Dr. from a single-family home, and literally adjacent to the Rand Sylvia apartment complex. I think that allowing this property to be rezoned from Neighborhood Commercial to General Industrial doesn't make any sense given the surrounding properties. The uses allowed by General Industrial zoning would absolutely affect the quality of life and the character of the surrounding community, and definitely impact the flow of traffic on Inskip Dr. As a member of this community, I urge you to not approve this rezoning case.
Myra (37938), July 1, 2024 at 3:01 PM
Information is incorrect on Development Request re: Sewer and Water Provider. Application shows KUB, but is HPUD.
a 379
Rich (a 379), June 13, 2024 at 10:39 PM
It will completely wreck our neighborhood to route traffic via Boyington Drive into Highview Acres. Our neighborhood roads could not handle this traffic. There would also be danger to those families with small children. It really is unthinkable that our county officials would allow this. Come and see for yourself how wrong this plan would be, truly for all involved.
Amanda (37932), June 20, 2024 at 10:58 PM
Me and my family strongly disagree with the proposed route of these townhomes through our neighborhood. We have just learned about this new project and we are completely shocked that this would be allowed to be built to begin with. Not just taking away a huge natural barrier protecting us from Pellissippi Pkwy but also taking away our safety in our own neighborhood by adding a ridiculous amount of additional traffic. Would you vote to have this in your quiet neighborhood? Hasn't this area been built up enough?! We are being squeezed from every corner here with new developments all around us and our tolerance is over! We are tired of every square foot of grass in this county being turned into apartments! Please have some restraint and consideration for the people of this community!!
Mary (37938), July 5, 2024 at 4:26 PM
My husband Carlos and I, own the property that borders the proposed property to be rezoned. My biggest concern is that the existing, concrete driveway, that accesses this property, is not a proper right-of-way. A main portion of the driveway is on our property as shown by our deed. In order for Tindall's to use the said property, they must establish access from their existing property. I also have issues with the noise. Even now, we are often awakened at 2-3 o'clock in the morning, by the company that empties the dumpsters.
Adam (37932), June 14, 2024 at 12:13 PM
My name is Adam Tarver and I am a homeowner on Boyington Dr. It has come to my attention that the development between our neighborhood and Pellissippi Parkway is now going to be routed through our neighborhood and street rather than Bob Gray.

This major of a development will come with an extreme traffic influx. What is the plan for traffic control and road upkeep?

Traffic flow is going to be a major problem on Bob Gray as a result as well as throughout the entire neighborhood. Our neighborhood is very family friendly and walkable as well. An influx in traffic will drastically change this. Is there any plan for side walks to ensure safety of those already living here?

Finally, our neighborhood is already close to Pellissippi. The trees create the only sound barrier between us and the interstate. What is the plan for noise management? This seems like nothing more than a way to save money and avoid the hassle of properly routing this new development onto a major road that can handle it. Those who buy in the new development will have to weave through our neighborhood to come and go. Something that to me also seems like it would be a deterrent to buyers.

I wanted to voice my concerns and give you a chance to answer some questions, but I also what to be clear. I am against routing all traffic through our existing neighborhood.
Chad (37932), June 25, 2024 at 11:18 AM
No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no. How many times can I say no?? No. No. No. No. No. no. This is insanity.
Jasmine (37938), July 19, 2024 at 7:51 PM
PDF Message Attached
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William (37938), July 20, 2024 at 10:17 AM
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Ethan (37938), July 20, 2024 at 6:39 PM
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Carlene (37918), July 25, 2024 at 11:37 AM
Please deny the Sector & One Year Plan requests to go from LDR to MDR and deny the request to rezone from RN-1 to RN-4. These requests are inconsistent with the criteria for One Year and Sector Plan amendments and inconsistent with the standards for granting a rezoning. There have been no changes in this area. There is no change in public policy that pertains to increasing residential intensity in or around the property. The area is developed with single-family homes and community serving institutions--school, fire hall, church and social service. The property is located on two-lane roads. The intersection is a 4-way stop. Current road conditions do not support an increase in land use density. The intersection of Jacksboro/Tazewell Pike is less than a mile away. That signalized intersection has signs prohibiting left turns during AM and PM rush hour.
David (37932), June 25, 2024 at 11:17 AM
Please read the attached file concerning the proposed condo/ townhouse traffic being routed through HIghvue Acres subdivision. The disruption to the neighborhood's existing roads is insane. Knox county will have to spend a significant amount of money to improve these roads and move utilities. The developer should exit this new development directly on Bob Gray Road with improvements for eliminating the limited line of site or provide a new egress through Parkway Townhouses to Discovery Lane and Dutchtown Road. Dutchtown Road is designed to handle this amount of traffic.
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David (37932), June 25, 2024 at 10:57 AM
Please read the attached file describing my concerns over routing of the proposed condo/townhouse traffic through our subdivision.
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Sarah (37923), May 18, 2024 at 11:26 PM
Please review the County Commission Mtg where the adjacent development of 0 Ebenezer was discussed to understand the precedent set for connectivity through existing neighborhoods. We can go 13 rounds over this issue again, but please… don’t make us.
Amy (37932), June 27, 2024 at 9:57 PM
Please see attached
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Amy (37932), June 27, 2024 at 9:58 PM
Please see attached
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Mattheson (37918), July 25, 2024 at 6:03 PM
Please see attached file.
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Debbie (37912), June 4, 2024 at 5:02 PM
Please see attached letter. A petition with 96 signatures of residents that this development would impact is attached in another comment.
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Jennifer (37932), June 24, 2024 at 9:58 PM
Please see attached pdf.
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Gina (37932), July 2, 2024 at 8:08 AM
Please see attachment.
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Gina (37932), July 2, 2024 at 8:23 AM
Please see attachment.
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Anita (37918), July 24, 2024 at 10:45 AM
Please see the attached comment.
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Courtney (37932), June 21, 2024 at 3:48 PM
Please see the attached document expressing my opposition for case 6-B-24-C. Sincerely, Courtney Quist
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Courtney (37932), June 21, 2024 at 3:35 PM
Please see the attached file for my public comment in opposition of the case.

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Paul (37932), July 10, 2024 at 3:48 PM
Please see the attached letter of opposition to this proposal
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Debbie (37912), June 4, 2024 at 5:42 PM
See 2nd part of petition, 57-96 signatures
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Keith (37932), June 19, 2024 at 12:55 PM
See attached
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Dustin (37932), June 13, 2024 at 6:43 AM
See attached comments against this proposal.
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Aaron (37932), June 15, 2024 at 10:12 PM
see attached file
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Terry (37932), June 18, 2024 at 11:49 AM
see attached file for complete concerns
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Terry (37932), June 18, 2024 at 11:51 AM
see attached file for concerns
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Carroll (37932), June 25, 2024 at 10:58 AM
See attached file.
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Carroll (37932), June 25, 2024 at 11:10 AM
See Attached File.
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Jessica (37920), July 12, 2024 at 4:01 PM
See attached letter from the City Tree Board.
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Richard (37932), June 14, 2024 at 2:39 PM
see attachment
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bentley (37932), July 5, 2024 at 2:05 PM
see attachment
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Wayne (37902), July 17, 2024 at 1:24 PM
See attachment.
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Debbie (37912), June 4, 2024 at 5:40 PM
See pgs 1-7 of 12 page petition. Divided into parts to upload. This file contains 1-56 signatures
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Ed (37932), June 28, 2024 at 10:44 PM
Thank you for the opportunity to express my dismay at this request. There are so many things wrong with it I dot know which is worse so I will name several on no particular order. Our established neighborhood does not have the responsibility to bail out a guy who bought a landlocked piece of property. We also do not want 10 acres of trees to be destroyed for several reasons. Also, the traffic increase will put our children and residents at risk for harm and the destroy the safety and integrity and liveability of our neighborhood. This is a really really bad idea and one that must not be approved. It wojod also out safety crews at risk due to the lengthy time to navigate the new route and my road is very steep and visibility is not great. Please do not consider this.
Jessica (37920), July 9, 2024 at 11:25 AM
The Hillside Protection Ordinance was put in place with a great deal of public comment and compromise. As the developable land inside the city limits dwindles, more and more of these hillside variances will be requested in places such as South Knoxville, where I've lived for the past 20 years. We are facing a great deal of development pressure, as is the entire city, and much of the heavily sloped land relies on the Ordinance for protection from canopy loss and stormwater problems. Precedent is important, and we have to be very vigilant to protect the integrity of the Hillside Protection Ordinance so development does not degrade the environment and burden other property owners and residents. Mature trees are part of our infrastructure and should be valued as such. I respectfully ask that you deny this variance request as the owner is not suffering a hardship.
William (37920), July 8, 2024 at 3:55 PM
The majority of Ginn Farm Drive is a very narrow road. Two cars cannot pass on this road between Ginnbrooke Lane and Maloney Road. This road cannot handle any more traffic brought on by any future development. The plot of land in question is on the ridgetop which means any traffic coming from that plot would be entering the road on a blind hill. This road is already a potential source of vehicle accidents due to the narrowness. Also, if it is currently zoned as a protected hillside/ridgetop that needs to be undeveloped due to potential erosion issues, I think it should remain protected. The potential buyers knew this designation before pursuing purchase of the property. Michael Wood, the current owner knew this designation when he purchased the property in 2018. He is a known realtor in the South Knox are for subdivision development and rental properties.
Dylan (37938), July 20, 2024 at 9:16 PM
The neighborhood as a whole is not interested in adding a duplex out side of our entrance. We fear this will drive our property down, among other issues we already deal with. Which include disrespectful renters, etc.
Kevin (37918), July 2, 2024 at 6:00 PM
The original plan was to disturb 67.7% of the hillside protection area. The revised plan proposes disturbing 81% of the hillside protection area - 3.6 acres more disturbance than is allowed in the hillside protection area. They have not changed the development layout - the streets, the number of units, etc. They are just requesting to grade it differently and disturb more of the hillside protection area. If we have a hillside protection plan, and then we just allow somebody to submit a request to exceed the disturbance area so they can fit in more units onto the entire parcel, well, why do we have a Hillside Protection Plan in the first place. Significant land has been graded across I-640 for Clear Springs Plantation - the neighborhood has suffered years of looking at red clay, previously good land that has been clear cut, graded, and machined into housing. We ask that you not approve this request to disturb more than the allowed HPA area. The applicant has relief - they can update their plans to build on just the area available to them.
Joy (37932), June 24, 2024 at 5:53 PM
The proposal of creating a inlet and outlet for a new neighborhood coming out of a dead end road in what is now a fairly quite neighborhood is ridiculous and nit very smart to once again overload an already busy area with up to 800 plus vehicles to travel the small streets that are right now child and pet friendly but with the influx of traffic will be catastrophic. Why not create a whole street that runs horizontal to pellissippi parkway all the way to dutchtown . This should have been done 30 years ago when the one set of condominiums were built on pellissippi Pkwy and with only one entrance and they can only turn right . It only makes sense that this be the solution to prevent wrecks from happening with all the traffic turning onto Bob gray or onto lovell road, both with no red lights.
Steve and Dori
Steve and Dori (37932), June 17, 2024 at 12:19 PM
The proposed development of 93 condos with access into our subdivision should not be granted. My original understanding is that the access was going to be from Bob Gray Rd.

This development has gone from access to Bob Gray Rd now to Boyington Drive in our neighborhood.  It is absolutely mind blowing that it would be acceptable to give the traffic of 93 new homes, plus an additional 127 condos  from Nod Street, access  through any neighborhood, never mind your own subdivisions in which you live.

The proposed development cannot go further if the access to Bob Gray Rd doesn't work due to site distance or whatever the rule is.  This parcel was not a "future" phase of this subdivision.  The folks who purchased these homes on Boyington Dr, did so with the knowledge  that they live on a dead end road.  The many new sales in the s/d probably wouldn't have happened if families with children, trying to take advantage of the schools attached to the neighborhood, were aware that this was a possibility. 

Commissioners, I would hope that this proposed development will be voted down in the meeting on July 11th by the Planning Commission.  Please help our community deny this access to our neighborhood and help us keep the 1975 and 1990  sections the way they were approved at the time.

Linda (37932), June 29, 2024 at 11:00 AM
This project to rezone our neighborhood to include sky high apartments in the middle of private home neighborhood is not acceptable. After attending the meeting at HVA, my husband and I want to voice our opinion and disapproval of this plan. It will cause horrible traffic on Bob Gray and neighborhood streets surrounding it. This low-income housing will also devalue our home
John (37931), July 1, 2024 at 4:58 PM
To build anything on this poor road will be insane. Traffic behavior well exceeds the 35 mph speed and trucks are lined up at least a half mile from the RR tunnel in the afternoon time slot There have been multiple fatal accidents in the 14 years I have lived here. To enter or leave the intersection of Hodge Rd. is almost impossible in the early and evening drive time hours. To build an entrance for this subdivision on this property where there is already an existing home having the front next to the main road is the most ridiculous idea I have ever witnessed. Please for the sake of taxpayers and residents of this area that call it home, please deny this application and tell the developers to take their money elsewhere !
Joe (37932), June 29, 2024 at 1:22 PM
To whom it may concern - I'm writing this as a 23 year homeowner in the Highvue Acres/Lovell View sub division to OBJECT to allow a new subdivision to use our neighborhood as a traffic collector. The dangers & risks this plan introduces to our beautiful neighborhood's homeowners GREATLY outweighs the low-cost & convenience of the solution that is being proposed by creating a pass-thru at Boyington Drive. A new development of only 100 units can expect to have 2 cars per unit - which will increase the traffic thru our neighborhood over 4x what is currently experienced. That's a minimum of over 800 extra cars thru our neighborhood EVERY DAY - where children play basketball & hockey in the streets, where homeowners walk their dogs, where people bike ride & exercise. That number of cars will double to over 1600 with the addition of Parkway Heights traffic - thus increasing the risk of someone being hit, cars being damaged, theft & so on. And these are low estimates. As a rational person, I understand the importance of growth & development; and as a homeowner in the area that will be NEGATIVELY affected by this, I implore the planning committee to reconsider this project.
K (37938), July 21, 2024 at 6:26 AM
We are homeowners in the Wolf lair neighborhood. We are against any multi home properties.
Melani (37938), July 22, 2024 at 2:34 PM
We are homeowners in the Wolf lair neighborhood. We are against any multi home properties.
Tina (37932), June 16, 2024 at 10:26 AM
We do not feel that it would safe for that many more cars to be driving through our already established neighborhood. It will not be safe for the children or the adult that walk their dogs and such. That is way too much traffic going through a neighborhood. This would not be a very responsible decision.
Tina (37932), June 16, 2024 at 10:30 AM
We do not feel that it would safe for that many more cars to be driving through our already established neighborhood. It will not be safe for the children or the adult that walk their dogs and such. That is way too much traffic going through a neighborhood. This would not be a very responsible decision. Lovell View and Highvue Acres
Joe (37932), June 28, 2024 at 3:42 PM
We strongly oppose this proposal. It's clear the developer isn't playing by the rules. The egress can and should be on Bob Gray Road as was a condition of the rezoning, not into our neighborhood. It's clear that this would create a severe increase in traffic and reduce quality of life and property values for us residents.
Charlotte (37917), July 11, 2024 at 7:35 AM
We're opposed to the applicant's request to exceed the permitted disturbance as outlined in the Hillside Protection Ordinance. The request is unwarranted since development within the limit is attainable. Hillside Protection was put into place to preserve ecologically and structurally important features, including mature trees, and it's important that we uphold the guidelines agreed among in the ordinance. We request that the application to increase the disturbed area to 81% be denied.
Patricia (12), June 2, 2024 at 2:19 PM
When considering the request to allow development on the Monterey Oaks property, please note the following :
Since 2006 there have been six owners of this property. The last owner had planned to build two or three homes (for family), but three of the other previous owners had plans for larger developments, but were not successful in their attempts.
In 2006 Camdun Realty LLC spent hundreds of thousands of dollars clearing the hardwoods and vegetation, grading extensively, and preparing 18 lots for sale. However, with heavy rain the problem of uncontrollable runoff became an issue , with water gullies created, and water collecting at the end of the cul-de-sac on Peppercorn Lane, at the foot of the hill. The problem persisted , even with plastic fencing, straw bales, and a retention pond at the lowest point of the property . Finally the property was auctioned off. Two other attempts to develop have also been unsuccessful, due to financial or environmental obstacles.
There is a reason this property has not been developed for 18 years. Please do not let the neighborhood suffer the consequences of another attempt.

Ed (37932), June 18, 2024 at 8:58 PM
You want to destroy this integrity and liveability of a neighborhood? Then approve this increase in traffic and watch all that go down the tubes. Nothing good can come from this except lining the pockets of the developer and who knows, maybe someone on the planning commission as well? Our road Highvue Drive is not designed for the more traffic this will bring into our midst. I personally find it offensive this was even proposed instead of going off Bob Gray Rd, which though not perfect is better able to handle the increase if indeed it is needed. You want to put people at risk, then push traffic thru here. We will not be silenced though.