City Land Use Classifications

Refer to the appropriate Sector Plan for land use classifications in Knox County.

City of Knoxville

General Industrial (I-G)

The I-G General Industrial Zoning District provides for a range of general industrial uses that may produce limited outside impacts, rendering them incompatible with retail, service, or residential uses. Such uses include limited manufacturing, fabricating, processing, wholesale distributing, and warehousing facilities that do not require frequent visits from customers or clients.

City Zoning Districts
Location Criteria
Permitted Zones

Heavy Industrial

Typically older industrial areas used for the heavy manufacturing and assembling of goods. Heavy industrial uses include processes used in the production of steel, automobiles, chemicals, cement, and animal by- products and are viewed as clearly not compatible with areas designated for residential, institutional, office and retail uses. Quarry operations and asphalt plants are a particular form of heavy industrial, generally located in rural areas. Substantial landscaped buffers are expected between uses of lesser intensity, particularly residential, office and agricultural uses.
  • Existing industrial areas
    Within one mile of an interstate interchange with access via standard major collector or arterial streets
I-H, I-G

Light Industrial

Typically older industrial areas used for the light manufacturing, assembling, warehousing and distribution of goods. Light industrial uses include such manufacturing as assembly of electronic goods and packaging of beverage or food products. Substantial landscaped buffers are expected between uses of lesser intensity, particularly residential, office and agricultural uses.
  • Existing industrial areas
    Within one mile of an interstate interchange with access via standard major collector or arterial streets

South Waterfront Mixed Use District Type 2

This district allows for diverse uses and range of development intensities and forms. Zoning is limited to districts which require special use approval.
  • Case-by-case analysis is recommended.
RN-1, RN-2, RN-3, RN-4, RN-5, O, C-G, I-MU, I-G