Refer to the appropriate Sector Plan for land use classifications in Knox County.
City of Knoxville
City Zoning Districts
Location Criteria
Permitted Zones
HIHeavy Industrial
Typically consists of older industrial areas used for the heavy manufacturing and assembling of goods. Heavy industrial uses include processes used in the production of steel, automobiles, chemicals, cement, and animal by- products and are viewed as clearly not compatible with areas designated for residential, institutional, office and retail uses. Substantial landscaped buffers are expected between uses of lesser intensity, particularly residential, office and agricultural uses.
- Existing industrial areas
- Within one mile of an interstate interchange with access via standard major collector or arterial streets
- Sites are relatively flat and require minimal alteration
- Sites are large enough to accommodate buildings, building setbacks and parking lots, and are regular in shape and sufficiently large for the proposed activity
- Accessible to arterial streets and , where appropriate, rail lines
- Not accessible by residential streets
- Served or can be served adequately by utilities (power, water and waste disposal facilities)
- Locate new industrial development primarily in industrial parks or other suitably planned industrial settings of 10 acres or greater.
- New industrial development outside industrial parks or planned settings should occur only within existing zoning or adjacent to existing industrial areas.
- Locate industrial parks where there will be no significant adverse impacts on areas designated for residential use
I-H, I-G
LILight Industrial
Typically consists of older industrial areas used for the light manufacturing, assembling, warehousing and distribution of goods. Light industrial uses include such manufacturing as assembly of electronic goods and packaging of beverage or food products. Substantial landscaped buffers are expected between uses of lesser intensity, particularly residential, office and agricultural uses.
- Existing industrial areas
- Within one mile of an interstate interchange with access via major collector or arterial streets
SWMUD IISouth Waterfront Mixed Use District Type 2
This district allows for diverse uses and range of development intensities and forms. Zoning is limited to districts which require Planning Commission special use approval.
- Case-by-case analysis is recommended.
RN-1, RN-2, RN-3, RN-4, RN-5, O, C-G, I-MU, I-G