Refer to the appropriate Sector Plan for land use classifications in Knox County.
City of Knoxville
City Zoning Districts
Location Criteria
Permitted Zones
BP-1Business Park Type 1
Primary uses are light manufacturing, office and regionally- oriented warehouse/distribution services in which tractor- trailer transportation is to be a substantial portion of the operations. Substantial landscaped buffers are expected between uses of lesser intensity, particularly residential, office and agricultural uses.
- Relatively flat sites (predominant slopes less than 6 percent) out of floodplains
- Relatively large sites (generally over 100 acres)
- Away from low and medium density areas or where truck traffic would have to go through such areas
- Areas with freeway and arterial highway access (generally within two miles of an interchange)
- Rail access is a consideration
- Can be served with sewer, water and natural gas
BP-2Business Park Type 2
Primary uses are light manufacturing, offices, locally- oriented warehouse/distribution services, large-scale research and development facilities, office developments, and office parks/campuses. Retail and restaurant services, developed primarily to serve tenants and visitors to the business park can be considered. Substantial landscaped buffers are necessary between uses of lesser intensity, particularly residential, office and agricultural uses.
- Relatively flat sites (predominant slopes less than 6 percent) out of floodplains
- Relatively large sites (generally over 100 acres)
- Away from low and medium density areas or where truck traffic would have to go through such areas
- Freeway and arterial highway access (generally within two miles of an interchange)
- Rail access is a consideration
- Can be served with sewer, water and natural gas
GCGeneral Commercial
This class provides locations for retail and service-oriented commercial activities. It is generally intended to provide a full range of goods and services at the community or regional scale.
- Commercial sites should be relatively flat, regular in shape and of sufficient size.
- Locate on arterial and collector streets; however, their placement should not significantly reduce the proper functioning of the transportation system
- Sites that are easily served by utilities and other support services
- Sites should be compatible with adjacent land uses. Use of transitional land use classes such as HDR, MDR, MDR/O and O should be considered as a buffer between GC and residential uses to create more harmonious relationships and increase compatibility
- Control linear commercial development to prevent traffic congestion and commercial encroachment into residential areas.
O, OP, C-G, C-H, C-R
MU-RCMixed Use Regional Center
These are envisioned to be highest intensity mixed use centers with housing densities over 24 dwelling units per acre. Downtown Knoxville's Central Business District is a regional mixed use center.
- Flat terrain (generally less than 10 percent slopes)
- Currently served by or planned to be served by sidewalks and transit
- The location does not include auto and truck-oriented uses such as industrial, strip commercial and warehouse/distribution uses unless the proposal calls for a redevelopment of such areas
- On a major arterial, adjacent to an interstate highway or adjacent to downtown
OP, C-G, C-H, C-R, DK
This land use includes business and professional offices and office parks. In some cases, areas suitable for office development may also be deemed suitable for medium density residential uses.
- Low intensity business and professional offices (less than three stories) may be transitional uses from commercial or industrial uses to neighborhoods
- Generally level sites (slopes less than 15 percent)
- Access to major collector or arterial streets, particularly within one-quarter mile of such thoroughfares
- Locate office parks on major collector or arterial streets adjacent to or in close proximity to development centers.
- Integrate office uses with commercial uses in the design of major development centers
- Low intensity office uses may be permitted as a transitional use adjacent to Community and Neighborhood Commercial areas.
- Locate high intensity office uses (development that is four or more stories), within the business district or in close proximity to arterial/ freeway interchanges or be served by transit
RSRegional Commercial
This land use includes retail and service-oriented development that meets the needs of residents across Knox County and surrounding areas. "Big box" retail, malls and 'lifestyle centers' are examples of regional-oriented commercial uses.
- Sites should be relatively flat (under 10 percent slope) and with enough depth to support shopping center and ancillary development.
- Water, sewer, natural gas utilities and stormwater systems should be capable of handling the development
- Vehicular and pedestrian connections should be accommodated between different components of the district (e.g., between stores, parking areas and out-parcel development).
- Locate region-serving commercial development on arterials in locations which are easily accessible to the interstate system. Development sites should be sufficient in size to permit future expansion.
- RS development should be limited and carefully located to avoid market over-saturation and conflict with the central business district
OP, C-H, C-R, I-MU
TPTechnology Park
This land use primarily includes offices and research and development facilities. The target area for such development has been the Pellissippi Technology Corridor. Additional districts could be created in other areas of the City. The development standards that are adopted by the Tennessee Technology Corridor Development Authority should be used for such districts.
- Within the Technology Corridor or subsequent areas designated for Technology Park development
- Near freeway interchanges or along major arterials
- Water, sewer and natural gas utilities are available