Refer to the appropriate Sector Plan for land use classifications in Knox County.
Knox County
City Zoning Districts
Location Criteria
Permitted Zones

This is rural / agricultural in character and includes farms and large tracts of undeveloped land.
- Farms and large tracts of undeveloped land.
- Land where soils are designated as prime or locally important by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
- Rural areas prime for conservation such as forests, moderate and steep slopes, riparian areas and historic and cultural sites

HPHillside Protection Overlay
This classification is used to identify hillsides, ridges and similar features that have a slope of 15 percent or more.
- Hillsides greater than 15 percent slope
Applies to all; HP Overlay

LDRLow Density Residential
This land use is primarily residential in character at a density of less than 6 dwelling units per acre. This type of development includes detached single-family dwellings and duplexes. The primary residential pattern should be neighborhoods. The main neighborhood form should be detached residential development that is of sufficient size and design to promote neighborhood formation and land use stability.
- Protected from through traffic by avoiding direct access to major collectors or arterial streets
- Buffered from incompatible land uses
AG, EN, RN-1, RN-2

MU-SDMixed Use Special District
This can include designations to address urban design, pedestrian and transit-oriented development and vertical mixed use in designated areas. The areas may include older portions of the City where redevelopment and/or preservation programs are needed for revitalization purposes. Each designated area will have a reference number to a specific sector plan.
- Case-by-case analysis is recommended.
See recommended zones in sector plan

OSOther Open Space
Primary uses include cemeteries, private golf courses, and similar uses. Open space areas should serve as buffers or conservation and recreation areas.
- Existing cemeteries, private golf courses and private open spaces
- Areas possessing either topographical or environmental features that would limit intensive development

PPPublic Parks and Refuges
This classification contains existing parks, wildlife refuges or similar public or quasi-public parks, open spaces and greenways.
- Location criteria is not needed relative to large components of the park system, like community, district and regional parks and refuges. These areas are generally established through capital expenditures of land transfers from state or federal governments.
- Neighborhood parks, squares and commons should be within .25 mile of residents in the traditional residential areas (particularly the 19th and early 20th century grid street neighborhoods of Knoxville) and within .5 mile of residents within the balance of the city and county's Planned Growth area.
- Greenways should be located along or within the flood plains of streams and rivers/reservoirs. Other potential locations include ridges and utility corridors.

SPStream Protection Overlay
Typically, these are areas which are subject to flooding. Such areas are designated by FEMA as the floodway, which carries the significant portion of stormwater, as well as the 100-year and 500-year flood fringe, which the City governs with various stormwater regulations.
- Floodways and floodplains
Applies to all; F Overlay

These are areas designated to protect river and creek channels and flood plains from development that would appreciably increase flood heights and flood damage. Generally, no structures or uses should be permitted within the floodway that would alter a stream's character and ability to carry floodwaters.
- FEMA designated floodways
- Rivers and TVA reservoirs such as the French Broad River, Holston River, Tennessee River (Fort Loudoun Lake), and Clinch River (Melton Hill Lake)
F Overlay