Original Project Scope / Priorities
The study will look at the portion of Alcoa Highway within Knox County to facilitate a safer, more productive, aesthetically pleasing corridor to serve the surrounding neighborhoods.
Changes in vehicular access patterns, ongoing road construction, a decline in business occupancy and developments, and a lack of population growth that is inconsistent with countywide trends led 9th District Knox County Commissioner, Carson Dailey, and 1st District City Councilman, Tommy Smith, to request a corridor study for Alcoa Highway within Knox County. Their requests specifically asked Planning to develop an approach for managing and envisioning development and redevelopment along the Alcoa Highway Corridor.
To address these issues, the study will identify next steps and prioritize recommendations for County Commission and City Council. Any specific recommendations for the zoning ordinance or plan amendments would then need to be authorized by the legislative bodies.
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Meeting Resources
- September 30, 2021 | Presentation | Video
- February 28, 2022 | Presentation | Community Feedback