

Approved as modified
by the Planning Commission

APPROVE PR (Planned Residential) at a density of 1- 3 dwellings per acre east of Murphy Road and 1 to 5 units per acre west of Murphy Road

See case notes below


Property Info

Case Notes

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Applicant Request


Property Information

Northeast and southwest sides of Murphy Rd., southeast of Tazewell Pike

Commission District 7

180 acres

Place Type Designation
Low Density Residential

Currently on the Property

Growth Plan
Rural Area and Urban Growth Area (outside city)

Case Notes

Disposition Summary
APPROVE PR (Planned Residential) at a density of 1- 3 dwellings per acre east of Murphy Road and 1 to 5 units per acre west of Murphy Road
Staff Recommendation
APPROVE PR (Planned Residential) zoning.
APPROVE a density of 1 to 3 dwellings per acre. (Applicant requests 1 to 5 du/ac.)
This site is in both the Urban Growth and the Rural Areas as designated in the Knoxville Knox County Growth Policy Plan. The Growth Policy Plan allows for extensions of low density residential development into the rural area if the following 4 conditions are met:
1. The request can only be for PR zoning at no more than 3 du/ac;
2. Sanitary sewer and water services are available;
3. The site is connected to the Planned Growth Area by an arterial or collector street;
4. A traffic impact analysis demonstrating that the proposed development will not significantly impair traffic flow along the arterial roads in the Planned Growth Area must be approved.

This site meets the first 3 conditions. The 4th condition will be met by requiring the developer to submit a Traffic Impact Analysis meeting the criteria as part of the use on review / concept plan stage for any development exceeding 75 dwelling units. This zoning recommendation meets the requirements of the Growth Policy Plan and the sector plan. The sector plan proposes low density residential uses for the site.

What's next?


Rufus Smith, Jr.

Case History