Property Information
Location3900 Midland Ave
South side Midland Ave., west of Dryad St.
Council District 2
Census Tract 71
Size0.34 acres
Planning SectorWest City
Land Use Classification MDR MDR
Currently on the Property
Growth PlanUrban Growth Area (Inside City Limits)
- Utilities
SewerKnoxville Utilities Board
WaterKnoxville Utilities Board
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
Adopt Resolution # 10-D-18-SP, amending the West City Sector Plan to O (Office) and recommend City Council also adopt the sector plan amendment.
Staff Recommendation
RECOMMEND City Council APPROVE O (Office) designation.
The West City Sector Plan was adopted in 2007 and uses MDR designation as a buffer between the Bearden mixed area to the north and the LDR area along the south side of Lyons View Pike. However, in 2017 MPC and City Council approved a plan amendment application (1-I-17-SP) for the adjoining parcel (107NE012) to the west to amend the plan from MDR to O.