Design Review Board

Oakwood/Lincoln Park Infill Housing Overlay District


1217 Hiawassee Ave

Ronnie and Kathy Ronnie and Kathy Wallace

Applicant Request
Changes to porches visible from the primary street
Staff Comments
Architectural Elevation - Removal of enclosed section of front porch to a restored open aired front porch.

Please note: The committee suggested two changes to the drawing but, the certificate does not mandate these changes, they are only suggested to make the house fit with the original character of the house. The committeee suggested using squared scalloped siding instead of horizontal clapboard like siding on upper section of house and the committee also suggested matching the window in the enclosed section of the porch to a four over one window (same as on the other window on the porch.

James James Chesney

Planning Staff
Jeff Archer
Phone: 215-2500

Case History