Alley Closure


Withdrawn by the Applicant

The Planning Commission approved withdrawal of this item per the applicant's request at the meeting.




Property Info

Case Notes

Details of Action

The Planning Commission approved withdrawal of this item per the applicant's request at the meeting.

Applicant Request

Close Alley
From Cumberland Avenue to the north
S. Twenty First Street
To Lake Avenue to the south
Twenty Second Street, south of Cumberland Avenue

Reason for Closure

The intended development plans to utilize the entire block as part of the project. The applicant states that the concept would create a scenario where the alley would no longer be necessary for access to any of the parcels. The development would also create one lot out of the existing parcels and the abandoned alley.


The City of Knoxville Engineering Department objects to this proposed closure; AT&T states they do not release and thereby retain all easements and rights to utility facilities

Comments / Recommendations

Deny closure of the unnamed alley south of Cumberland Avenue between S. Twenty First and Twenty Second Streets as it is an active alley that provides connectivity in an area of high congestion with several one-way streets and restricted turning options.

Property Information

0 Unnamed alley

Council District 1

Planning Sector
Central City

Growth Plan
Urban Growth Area (Inside City Limits)


Aaron M. Gray

Case History