Planned Development


Approved with conditions
by the Planning Commission

Approve the final plan for the multi-use stadium/mixed-use planned development because it is in substantial compliance with the approved preliminary plan (9-A-21-PD), subject to 12 conditions.

Recommend that City Council amend the zoning map to add t

See case notes below


Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Applicant Request


Property Information

0 Multiple addresses (see attached)

Generally bounded to the north by E. Jackson Avenue, to the east by Florida Street, on the west by Hall of Fame Drive and to the south of First Creek

Council District 6

21.50 acres

Planning Sector
Central City

Land Use Classification MU-SD (Mixed Use Special District) (MU-CC3) & HP (Hillside Protection) MU-SD (Mixed Use Special District) (MU-CC3) & HP (Hillside Protection)

Currently on the Property
Warehouses and vacant land

Growth Plan
N/A (Within City limits)

Case Notes

Disposition Summary
Approve the final plan for the multi-use stadium/mixed-use planned development because it is in substantial compliance with the approved preliminary plan (9-A-21-PD), subject to 12 conditions.

Recommend that City Council amend the zoning map to add t

Staff Recommendation
Approve the final plan for the multi-use stadium/mixed-use planned development because it is in substantial compliance with the approved preliminary plan (9-A-21-PD), subject to 13 conditions.

Recommend that City Council amend the zoning map to add t
1. Modifications to the final plan must be approved in accordance with Article 16.7.F (Modifications to Approved Final Plans).
2. Approval of the zoning map amendment by City Council to add the PD (Planned Development) designation for those properties identified in Exhibit C.0 (Planned Development- Final Plan-Phase Diagram) as Phase 1.
3. The development shall be compliant with the City of Knoxville Zoning Ordinance unless an exception has approved through the planned development process outlined in Article 16.7.
4. Implementation of all street and intersection improvement recommendations required to be installed by City Engineering and/or the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) as outlined in the approved Traffic Impact Study (TIS) prepared by Cannon & Cannon, Inc., as last revised on September 23, 2021, and/or subsequently revised and approved by the City of Knoxville Engineering Department, TDOT, and Planning Commission staff. The design details and timing of the installation of the improvements shall be worked out with the City of Knoxville Engineering Department and TDOT during the permitting phase. If the improvements will be implemented in phases, this shall be outlined and agreed upon by City Engineering and TDOT.
5. Obtaining all applicable permits from TDOT for any work within the TDOT right-of-way.
6. Meeting all applicable requirements of the City of Knoxville Engineering Department.
7. Provision of street names which are consistent with the Uniform Street Naming and Addressing System.
8. Installation of all sidewalks, walkways and the public plaza as identified on the site plan. A bond shall be provided to the City of Knoxville Engineering Department by the developer in an amount sufficient to guarantee the installation of the sidewalks unless otherwise agreed upon in the development agreement with the City.
9. Landscaping plans (Article 12) and a Master Sign plan (Article 13.7) shall be submitted, per their respective articles in the zoning ordinance, as part of the Alternative Landscaping Plan review process (Article 12.2.D) or the Master Sign Plan process (Article 13.7) outlined in the Zoning Ordinance. Proposed signage types shall be in substantial compliance with the preliminary plan.
10. A lighting plan shall be submitted for review and approval by Planning staff and Plans Review and Inspections staff for the areas of the site outside of the stadium for compliance with Article 10.2 (Exterior Lighting) and the approved preliminary plan. This shall be completed before building permits are issued for the applicable phase of the development.
11. Flickering or flashing lights, searchlights, or other high intensity lights, if approved through the Office of Special Events, shall be shielded or pointed so as not to affect traffic safety.
12. Ensuring that all accessory structures, including those for which an exception has been provided, are located such that they do not interfere with the required visibility triangle at intersections and driveways. The final plat should include any line-of-sight easements across lots as may be required by the City of Knoxville Engineering Department. A Concept Plan will be required if 6 or more lots are proposed.
13. All Project Documents are incorporated herein by reference and made a part of this Staff Report as if they were fully set out verbatim. To the extent there is a conflict or ambiguity between the terms of any of the Project Documents, and notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the foregoing documents, the order of priority listed below will be used for purposes of resolving the conflict or ambiguity:
1. The Approved Final Plan;
2. The Approved Preliminary Plan, Planning File No. 9-A-21-PD, attached as Exhibit A;
3. The City of Knoxville Zoning Code.

What's next?

This Planned Development case in the CITY was recommended for approval. The appeal deadline - November 25, 2021 has passed.

Doug Kirchhofer / RR Land LLC

Case History