Design Review Board

Lonsdale Infill Housing Overlay District


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of Certificate 11-C-21-IH, subject to the following conditions:
1) Modify front setback to be consistent with adjacent historic houses on the block;
2) Modify porch supports to be larger than proposed 5 by 5 posts;
3) Incorporate window trim on front and side elevations;
4) Select a steeper pitch for front-gable roof (6/12 or more);
5) Use lap siding with an overlap instead of Dutch lap or flush panel siding.

3119 Johnston St. 37914

Bill Bill Terry Knoxville Habitat for Humanity Knoxville Ha

Applicant Request
New Primary Structure
1. The house is proposed to be set 27' from the front property line, with the partial-width front porch at 21' from the front property line. The average front setback of the block is 34.9', with the adjacent houses at 34.5' and 33'. The proposed new house should be moved slightly towards the rear of the property, to align with the adjacent houses (30'-34'). The site plan shows a walkway from the front porch to the street.

2. The block to receive new construction is characterized by modified Craftsman bungalows, Queen Anne cottages, and infill construction. The proposed house is proportionate to the context and the dimensions of the lot. The proposed side setbacks are consistent with the block.

3. The proposed parking and access meets Infill Housing guidelines and City Engineering standards.

4. Overall, the one-story, three-bay façade is compatible with the historic houses on the block. The foundation shown on drawings demonstrates sufficient height to be compatible with the historic context.

5. The proposed front-gable roof porch is 8' deep and 12' wide, centered over the main door. The porch columns should be increased in size instead of 5 by 5 posts.

6. The proposed window and doors are compatible with historic elements on the block. There is sufficient transparency on side elevations. The Board may choose to discuss the lack of windows on the rear elevation. The final design should incorporate window trim compatible in size and detail with historic houses on the block.

7. Generally, 6/12 is the minimum roof pitch selected to meet the design guidelines for roof shapes and materials. The new roof should receive a steeper pitch (6/12 or more) to be compatible with original housing on the block.

8. Overall materials are appropriate within the design guidelines. The vinyl siding should be lap siding with an overlap instead of Dutch lap or flush panel siding.

9. The site plan incorporates one tree each in rear and front yards.

Staff Comments
New primary residence fronting Johnston Street. Front-gable roof residence measures 30' wide by 44' long, with an 8' deep porch centered on the façade. The house is proposed to be set 27' from the front property line, with the porch 19' from the front property line. Parking is on the rear of the property and accessed from the alley, extending 50' long by 12' wide.

The 5/12 pitch, front-gable roof is clad in architectural shingle, the house is clad in 4.5" straight vinyl siding, and the house rests on a stucco-clad foundation. The porch gable field is clad in vinyl shakes and features a 6/12 pitch roof, supported by 5 by 5 square posts. The façade features paired, one-over-one windows flanking a centrally located door. There are four windows on the right side elevation and three on the left. A secondary entry is centered on the rear elevation.

Bill Bill Terry Knoxville Habitat for Humanity Knoxville Habit

Planning Staff
Lindsay Lanois
Phone: 865-215-3795

Case History