Consideration of an amendment to the Knox County Code, Appendix A, Zoning Code, Articles 5.31 and 5.32, pertaining to drive-through facilities, multifamily developments, townhouses, and above ground dwellings in the CA and CB zones.
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
Staff recommends approval of these amendments.
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends approval of the amendments as proposed..
Staff recommends that Knoxville-Knox County Planning Commission recommend approval of:
Amendments to the Knox County Zoning Code, Article 5, Section 5.31.03 pertaining to the CA (General Business) zone to allow for consideration of the following:
Uses permitted (by right):
Drive-through facilities located on arterial streets
Clinics, medical offices, dental offices and other medical uses of a similar nature and size
Uses permitted on review:
Drive-Through Facilities on collector streets
Multi-dwelling Structures or Developments
Attached houses
Upper level dwellings
Amendments to Article 5, Section 5.32.03 pertaining to the CB (Business and Manufacturing) zone to allow for consideration of the following uses:
To be permitted:
Drive-through facilities located on arterial and collector streets as a permitted use
Clinics, medical offices, dental offices and other medical uses of a similar nature and size
To be uses permitted on review:
Multi-dwelling Structures or Developments
Attached houses
Upper-level dwellings
An amendment to the Knox County Zoning Code, Article 4, adding a new subsection, 4.108 creating standards for drive-through facilities.
Amendments to the Knox County Zoning Code, Article 5, Sections 5.37.03.C, 5.38.03.E, and 5.91.03, pertaining to drive-through facilities currently permitted as a use on review in the CR (Regional Commercial), CN (Neighborhood Commercial), and TC (Town Center) zones respectively, adding a reference to proposed subsection 4.108 pertaining to standards for drive-through facilities. No change is proposed to the allowance of drive-through facilities in these zones.What's next?
This Other Business case in the was recommended for approval. The appeal deadline - February 11, 2023 has passed.