Changes to porches visible from the primary street
The proposed porch modifications meet the Infill Housing Design Guidelines. The 8" addition to the porch foundation is not disproportionate to the existing house or porch design, will not create additional front setback issues, and will result in the new porch being more proportional to the surrounding block. Proposed materials, including cladding the porch foundation in stucco, are appropriate. The removal of the wrought-iron columns (discouraged in the design guidelines) and replacement with 6" x 6" square wood columns is appropriate within the guidelines. No modifications will be made to the existing porch roof.
Staff Comments
Modifications to front porch. Applicant proposes to add an additional 8" to existing porch foundation wall (reinforecd CMU foundation clad in stucco); foundation will be extended 8" towards property line (southwest). New porch will be approximately 7'-3" deep on a 2.7" tall foundation (same height as existing). Existing columns (wrought-iron columns on stuccoed bases) will be replaced with 6" by 6" square columns in the same locations. No modifications are proposed to existing roofline.