
Concept Plan


Approved with Conditions

Approve the variance to reduce the tangent distance between broken back curves on Road 'E' from 150 ft to 86.52 ft between STA 7+08.75 and 7+95.27, based on the following evidence of hardships.
A) The property's shape requires a reverse curve to maintain a 90-degree intersection with Road 'D' on the south side of the Road 'E' intersection.
B) The location of the tangent is at the intersection of Road 'E' and Road 'D', where traffic on Road 'E' must stop.
C) Approval of the variance is not anticipated to be detrimental to public safety, health, or welfare because of the stop condition on Road 'E'. The Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works recommends approval of this variance based on the justification provided by the applicant.

Approve the variance to reduce the minimum vertical curve K-value on Road 'B' from 25 to 20 at STA 1+15, based on the following evidence of hardships.
A) The property is relatively steep at the location of Road B, with a maximum elevation change of 20 ft from near the Asheville Highway intersection to the midway point between the intersections of Road 'C' and Road 'D'.
B) The steepest portion of this property coincides with the location of the request, and the topography is unique to the property.
C) Approval of the variance is not anticipated to be detrimental to public safety, health, or welfare because the requested k value meets AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials) . The Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works recommends approval of this variance based on the justification provided by the applicant.

Approve the alternative design standards based on the justification provided by the applicant and recommendations of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works.

Approve the Concept Plan subject to 15 conditions.

See case notes below


Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Applicant Request

8014 Asheville Highway
216 (Split)
Proposed Density
4.99 du/ac
Yes - SF


1) Reduce the minimum broken back curve tangent on Road 'E' from 150' to 86.52' between STA 7+08.75 and 7+95.27.
2) Reduce the minimum vertical curve K-value on Road 'B' from 25 to 20 at STA 1+15.

1) Reduce the minimum horizontal curve radius on Road 'B' from 250 ft to 125 ft between STA 1+34.55 and 3+14.82.
2) Reduce the minimum horizontal curve radius on Road 'D' from 250 ft to 125 ft between STA 5+39.83 and 6+92.81.
3) Reduce the minimum horizontal curve radius on Road 'D' from 250 ft to 200 ft between STA 17+17.78 and 20+28.52.
4) Reduce the minimum horizontal curve radius on Road 'E' from 250 ft to 225 ft between STA 0+91.33 and 1+24.73.
5) Reduce the minimum horizontal curve radius on Road 'E' from 250 ft to 225 ft between STA 3+98.65 and 5+11.96.
6) Reduce the minimum horizontal curve radius on Road 'E' from 250 ft to 200 ft between STA 6+04.60 and 7+08.75.
7) Reduce the minimum horizontal curve radius on Road 'E' from 250 ft to 200 ft between STA 7+95.27 and 8+63.38.
8) Reduce the minimum lot frontage from 25 ft to 20 ft for the townhouse lots.

1) Increase the maximum intersection grade of Road 'A' from 1 percent to 2 percent at Road 'D'.
2) Increase the maximum intersection grade of Road 'C' from 1 percent to 1.95 percent at Road 'B'.
3) Increase the maximum intersection grade of Road 'C' from 1 percent to 2 percent at Road 'D' and Road 'B'.
4) Increase the maximum intersection grade of Road 'D' from 1 percent to 1.5 percent at Road 'B'.
5) Increase the maximum intersection grade of Road 'E' from 1 percent to 2 percent at Earliglow Way (Lane).
6) Increase the maximum intersection grade of Road 'H' from 1 percent to 1.5 percent at Road 'F'.
7) Increase the maximum intersection grade of Road 'I' from 1 percent to 3 percent at Road 'F'.
8) Increase the maximum intersection grade of Road 'J' from 1 percent to 2.5 percent at Road 'F'.

Property Information


South side of Asheville Hwy, north side of Strawberry Plains Pike, west side of Tribute Ln

Commission District 8

46.54 acres

Place Type Designation
RC (Rural Conservation), CMU (Corridor Mixed-use), SR (Suburban Residential), HP (Hillside Ridgetop

Currently on the Property
Agriculture/Forestry/Vacant Land, Rural Residential

Growth Plan
Urban Growth Area (Outside City Limits)

Fire Department / District
Rural Metro Fire

Case Notes

Disposition Summary
Approve the variance to reduce the tangent distance between broken back curves on Road 'E' from 150 ft to 86.52 ft between STA 7+08.75 and 7+95.27, based on the following evidence of hardships.
A) The property's shape requires a reverse curve to maintain a 90-degree intersection with Road 'D' on the south side of the Road 'E' intersection.
B) The location of the tangent is at the intersection of Road 'E' and Road 'D', where traffic on Road 'E' must stop.
C) Approval of the variance is not anticipated to be detrimental to public safety, health, or welfare because of the stop condition on Road 'E'. The Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works recommends approval of this variance based on the justification provided by the applicant.

Approve the variance to reduce the minimum vertical curve K-value on Road 'B' from 25 to 20 at STA 1+15, based on the following evidence of hardships.
A) The property is relatively steep at the location of Road B, with a maximum elevation change of 20 ft from near the Asheville Highway intersection to the midway point between the intersections of Road 'C' and Road 'D'.
B) The steepest portion of this property coincides with the location of the request, and the topography is unique to the property.
C) Approval of the variance is not anticipated to be detrimental to public safety, health, or welfare because the requested k value meets AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials) . The Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works recommends approval of this variance based on the justification provided by the applicant.

Approve the alternative design standards based on the justification provided by the applicant and recommendations of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works.

Approve the Concept Plan subject to 15 conditions.

Staff Recommendation
Approve the variance to reduce the tangent distance between broken back curves on Road 'E' from 150 ft to 86.52 ft between STA 7+08.75 and 7+95.27, based on the following evidence of hardships.
A) The property's shape requires a reverse curve to maintain a 90-degree intersection with Road 'D' on the south side of the Road 'E' intersection.
B) The location of the tangent is at the intersection of Road 'E' and Road 'D', where traffic on Road 'E' must stop.
C) Approval of the variance is not anticipated to be detrimental to public safety, health, or welfare because of the stop condition on Road 'E'. The Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works recommends approval of this variance based on the justification provided by the applicant.

Approve the variance to reduce the minimum vertical curve K-value on Road 'B' from 25 to 20 at STA 1+15, based on the following evidence of hardships.
A) The property is relatively steep at the location of Road B, with a maximum elevation change of 20 ft from near the Asheville Highway intersection to the midway point between the intersections of Road 'C' and Road 'D'.
B) The steepest portion of this property coincides with the location of the request, and the topography is unique to the property.
C) Approval of the variance is not anticipated to be detrimental to public safety, health, or welfare because the requested k value meets AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials) . The Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works recommends approval of this variance based on the justification provided by the applicant.

Approve the alternative design standards based on the justification provided by the applicant and recommendations of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works.

Approve the Concept Plan subject to 15 conditions.
1. Connection to sanitary sewer and meeting other relevant utility provider requirements.
2. Provision of street names consistent with the Uniform Street Naming and Addressing System within Knox County (County Ord. 91-1-102).
3. The maximum number of lots shall be consistent with condition #2 of the associated development plan (11-J-24-DP).
4. Implement the recommendations of the 8014 Asheville Highway Subdivision Transportation Impact Study (TIS) (AJAX Engineering, 10/28/2024) as required by Knox County Engineering and Public Works and the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) during the design plan phase (see Exhibit B). If the TIS is further revised, it must be submitted to the Planning staff for review and approval by all applicable agencies.
5. Provide a westbound left turn lane in the Asheville Highway median at Road 'B' per the requirements of TDOT during the design plan phase.
6. Provide a sidewalk on one side of Road 'B' between the intersections of Asheville Highway and Road 'A', and on one side of Road 'A' between the intersections of Asheville Highway and Road 'B', per the requirements of Knox County Engineering and Public Works during the design plan phase.
7. Obtaining approval from the Knox County Board of Zoning Appeals to reduce the 35-ft peripheral boundary for all lots that do not have buildable areas because of proximity to the CA (General Business) and OA (Office Park) zones. This includes but is not limited to, lots 18 and 216. The variances must be approved prior to the impacted lots being platted.
8. Providing the off-street guest parking located on Road 'D', as shown. The same number of parking spaces may be split into more than one off-street parking lot to provide greater distribution in the area of the townhouses, with review and approval by Planning and Knox County Engineering and Public Works staff.
9. The existing house located on parcel 073 08003 (8003 Strawberry Plains Pike), south of Road 'D' on the "common area" lot must be demolished, as proposed on the concept plan, before certification of phase 1 of this subdivision. If the property owner wants to maintain the house, a new development plan application must be approved by the Planning Commission for the proposed use.
10. Entering into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Knox County Engineering and Public Works for completing off-site improvements per Chapter 54, Article V of the Knox County Code (Ord. O-23-4-102). The cost of these improvements is the responsibility of the property owner.
11. If during design plan approval or construction of the development, it is discovered that unforeseen off-site improvements within the right-of-way are necessary, the developer will either enter into an MOU with the County for these improvements or reimburse the County for their direct expenses (if completed by County crews) to make corrections deemed necessary.
12. Providing a sight distance easement on the inside of any horizontal curve with a radius less than 250 ft, per the requirements of Knox County Engineering and Public Works during the design plan phase. Any driveway that cannot be located outside the sight distance easement must have a 20 ft depth outside the sight distance easement.
13. Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works.
14. Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Zoning Ordinance.
15. Before certification of the final plat for the subdivision, establish a property owners association or other legal entity responsible for maintaining common facilities, such as common areas, amenities, private roads, and/or stormwater drainage systems.
This subdivision includes approximately 167 attached and 49 detached residential lots on 43.27 acres zoned PR (Planned Residential) up to 5 du/ac (6-S-24-RZ). The maximum number of dwelling units in the PR-zoned portion of the property cannot exceed the platted acreage zoned PR, not to exceed the total of 216 lots (units) proposed in this concept plan. If the platted acreage zoned PR is less than 43.27 acres, the number of dwelling units must be reduced to comply with the maximum density of the zoning district.

The boundary of the PR zone is adjacent to CA (General Business) zoning as the property also includes 3.27 acres zoned CA in the northwest corner of the property, where Road 'B' intersects with Asheville Highway, OA (Office Park) zoning in the northeast corner. When the PR zone is adjacent to non-residential zone districts, the Planning Commission does not have the authority to reduce the 35-ft peripheral setback. Any lots adjacent to the non-residential zones may require approval of the peripheral setback from the Board of Zoning Appeals if there is no buildable area. This may only impact lots 18 and 216.

No uses are currently proposed for the CA portion of the property; however, the CA zone was recently amended to allow attached and multi-family residential uses. A new application may be required if additional residential dwellings are proposed in the CA zone. The OA zone is partially developed with a physical therapy clinic. The main entrance to the subdivision (Road 'A') extends through the OA zoning, but there are no residential lots in the OA zone.

The subject properties have frontage on Asheville Highway and Strawberry Plains Pike; however, the subdivision will only have access to Asheville Highway at three locations. Road 'A' and Road 'B' will make new connections at existing median cuts. The third access is via Earliglow Way (Lane), which connects to Tribute Lane. Earliglow Way is a private right-of-way that provides access to the OA-zoned property. However, it was permitted and inspected to be accepted as a public right-of-way when the remainder of the property was developed.

Variance #1 is a request to reduce the distance (tangent) between broken back curves, which are consecutive curves in the same direction. This request on Road 'E' is where the tangent is broken up on both sides of an intersection by a stop condition.
Variance #2 is a request to reduce the vertical curve K value from 25 to 20. This is located on Road 'B' near the intersection with Asheville Highway, resulting in a sharper crest in the road. The higher the K value, the flatter the vertical curve will be. The proposed K value of 20 meets AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials) standards for a road posted at 25 MPH.

Eight requests require approval by the Planning Commission, and eight require approval by Knox County Engineering and Public Works.
Planning Commission approval: Seven of the eight requests are a reduction of the minimum 250 ft horizontal curve radius. Only two curves were identified by the applicant's engineer as requiring sight distance easements through the inside of the curves with a 125 ft radius on Road 'B' and Road 'D'. All other curves can maintain sight distance within the right-of-way.

The Planning Commission can approve a reduced lot frontage from 25 ft to 20 ft for attached (townhouse) lots if guest parking is provided throughout the development as required by the Planning Commission. The applicant proposes 20 off-street parking spaces on Road 'D' and provides an on-street parking exhibit showing where on-street parking along the curb is feasible (Exhibit C).

The TIS studied the impact of the development on the two new access points to Asheville Highway and the existing Tribute Lane intersection. When the proposed development increases the traffic at an existing median opening, TDOT requires the installation of a left turn lane. This subdivision must install a westbound left turn lane in the Asheville Highway median at the Road 'A' and Road 'B' intersections. The TIS also recommends an eastbound right-turn lane on Asheville Highway at Road 'A.' The concept plan proposes the right-turn lane at the Road 'B' access point. TDOT will determine the location of the right-turn lane during the design plan phase. Traffic signals are not warranted based on the traffic projects. The TIS recommends a new traffic count at full buildout of the subdivision to determine if the signal warrants are met.

What's next?

Appeals of Concept Plans and Final Plats are filed with Chancery CourtThe Process

8014 Asheville Highway

Mesana Investments, LLC

Case History