Street Closure


Recommended for approval
by the Planning Commission

The Planning Commission approved closure of the unnamed alley off of West Cliff Drive, subject to any required easements.




Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Details of Action

The Planning Commission approved closure of the unnamed right-of-way off of West Cliff Drive, subject to any required easements, since it is not needed by the City and staff received no objections to its closure.

Applicant Request

Close Street
From 8100 West Cliff Dr. (parcel ID: 106HA010; block 46754)
West Cliff Drive
To 8020 West Clif Dr. (parcel ID: 106HA 011; block 46756)
Ten Mile Creek, the terminus of this right-of-way

Reason for Closure

ROW is a remnant from the original development and dead ends into a floodway. The City has never maintained the ROW and has no plans to improve it. Applicant wishes to have ROW closed and repaired at their expense for improved driveway access to include regrading, paving, and curb restoration.


Neither KUB, AT&T, nor the City Engineering Department had any comments other than their wish to retain any easements that may be present. The Fire Department and TDOT had no comments.

Comments / Recommendations

Approve closure of the unnamed right-of-way, subject to any required easements, since it is not needed by the City and staff has received no objections to its closure.

Property Information

0 unnamed right-of-way (ROW)

Council District 3

Planning Sector
Northwest County

Growth Plan
Urban Growth Area (Inside City Limits)

What's next?

This Row Closure case in the CITY was recommended for approval. The appeal deadline - December 27, 2019 has passed.

William Webb

Case History