Property Information
Location3208 SOLWAY RD
Northeast side of Solway Rd, northwest of George Light Rd
Commission District 6
Size1.60 acres
Place Type DesignationSR (Suburban Residential), HP (Hillside Ridgetop Protection)
Currently on the Property
Agriculture/Forestry/Vacant Land
Growth PlanPlanned Growth Area
Fire Department / DistrictKarns Fire Department
- Utilities
SewerWest Knox Utility District
WaterWest Knox Utility District
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
Approve the development plan for three duplexes as shown on the attached plans, and the reduction of the peripheral setback from 35 ft to 15 ft for the external boundary of the development except for the southwest boundary that shall comply with condition #3, subject to 5 conditions.
Staff Recommendation
Approve the development plan for three duplexes as shown on the attached plans, and the reduction of the peripheral setback from 35 ft to 15 ft for the external boundary of the development except for the southwest boundary that shall comply with condition #3, subject to 5 conditions.
1. Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Zoning Ordinance.
2. Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Engineering & Public Works Department.
3. The peripheral setback along the Solway Road frontage (southwest boundary line) shall be 35 ft. The proposed parking area is permissible in the peripheral setback.
4. The interior side setback shall be no less than 5 ft. The proposed 15-ft interior side setback on the northwest lot line on Lot 1 can be reduced to 5 ft at the property owner's discretion during the building permit review.
5. The maximum height of the duplexes shall be 35 feet.
With the condition noted, this plan meets the requirements for approval in the PR district and the criteria for approval of a development plan.
This request is for three duplexes in total: two on Lot 1 and one on Lot 2. The property was approved for one duplex on each lot in June 2024 (6-D-24-DP). The property owner subsequently rezoned the property to increase the density in the PR (Planned Residential) zone from 3 du/ac to 3.75 du/ac (11-O-24-RZ), which allows the consideration of the third duplex. The 2024 development plan had a condition to verify the minimum distance can be obtained at the proposed driveways. The sight distance was verified before permits were issued based on the 2024 approval.
In the exercise of its administrative judgment, the Planning Commission shall determine if the proposed plan is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the zoning ordinance and adopted plans.
PR (Planned Residential) up to 3.75 du/ac:
A. The PR zone allows duplexes as a permitted use. The administrative procedures for the PR zone require the Planning Commission to approve the development plan before permits can be issued (Article 5, Section 5.13.15).
B. The proposed density for this 1.6-acre development is 3.75 du/ac, which is in conformance with the approved density of 3.75 du/ac.
C. The PR zone establishes a maximum height for detached houses, but all other uses have a maximum height established by the Planning Commission. Staff recommend a maximum height of 35 ft for the duplexes, consistent with the maximum height allowed in the general area.
D. With the recommended conditions, the site layout conforms to the setback, lot coverage, and height regulations of the zone.
A. The recommended maximum height of 35 ft is consistent with Policy 2, to ensure that development is sensitive to existing community character.
B. The development's proximity to Solway Park is consistent with Policy 5, which aims to create neighborhoods with a variety of housing types and amenities in close proximity.
A. The property has the SR (Suburban Residential) place type with the HP (Hillside Protection) designation. Duplexes that have the scale of a single-family home are recommended as 'secondary uses' in the SR place type. The proposal is consistent with the recommended disturbance budget per the slope analysis. Additionally, the structures are proposed on a relatively flat portion of the site, avoiding the steep slopes along the eastern boundary.
A. The property is within the Planned Growth Boundary. The purposes of the Planned Growth Boundary designation are to encourage a reasonably compact pattern of development, promote the expansion of the Knox County economy, offer a wide range of housing choices, and coordinate the actions of the public and private sectors, particularly with regard to the provision of adequate roads, utilities, schools, drainage and other public facilities and services. The proposed development is not in opposition to any of these criteria.