Design Review Board

Level 2: Addition to an existing building/structure


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate 3-A-14-DT as submitted.

410 W Jackson Ave

Applicant Request
The existing W. Jackson façade is to remain as is. The existing blade sign will remain and new letters and images will be applied for the tenant signage (see sheet a.1.5). The previously approved painted wall sign (per CoA file 10-E-10-DT) will be installed. The proposed wall sign will be similar to the existing Sweet P's location sign as shown on sheet a1.9. New light fixtures are proposed to highlight the painted wall sign.

A new retractable screen will be installed at the existing garage door opening in order to meet Health Department requirements. See attached image sheet a1.8 for a similar installation and example of the proposed retractable screen.

A new egress stair component will be added at the rear of the building. The new structure is proposed to have a minimally sloped roof with multi-pane windows as indicated in the attached elevations. Storefront windows will be included and double doors will open onto the existing rear yard. Exterior walls will be finished in Hardi Lap siding. In addition, a new kitchen prep area is proposed to be added adjacent to the new egress stair. This enclosure will serve the smoker and meat prep area. The new structure will be lower than the adjacent stair component and will be clad in Hardie Lap siding as indicated on the attached drawings.

The existing shed structure at the rear of the property will remain and serve as cover for the smoker area. A wood fence enclosure will be added around this structure to separate the smoker area from the rear yard. The existing shed structure will be painted and a new standing seam metal roof added.

Staff Comments
The building is within the Southern Terminal and Warehouse (National Register) Historic District and had previously received approval for the renovations and signage.

Section 1.C.1d (Rooftops and additions) states "Do not alter, obscure or destroy signi?cant features of historic resources when constructing additions." The addition for the egress stair is inset into the building which will require the removal of part of the roof but it is to the rear and does not destroy significant historic building features.

Appendix A (Secretary of Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation) states the following:
9. New additions, exterior alterations, or related new construction will not destroy historic materials, features, and spatial relationships that characterize the property. The new work shall be di? erentiated from the old and will be compatible with the historic materials, features, size, scale and proportion, and massing to protect the integrity of the property and its environment.
10. New additions and adjacent or related new construction will be undertaken in such a manner that, if removed in the future, the essential form and integrity of the historic property and its environment would be unimpaired.

Grohol / R2R Studio, LLC

Planning Staff
Mike Reynolds
Phone: 865-215-3827

Case History