Design Review Board

Level 2: Major alteration of an existing building/structure


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of Certificate 3-C-24-DT as submitted.

120 S. Gay St.

Joseph and Julie Gunn

Applicant Request
Installation of new rooftop deck and pergola on the leftmost unit of the Commerce Building. The deck and pergola will adjoin the existing penthouse area. The pergola will measure approximately 23'-5" wide by 19'-4" deep, consisting of a 10'-5" tall steel structure wrapped with square wood posts and a roof of flat wood rafters.

An additional deck space, measuring approximately 23'-5" wide by 8'-4" deep, will adjoin the pergola area. The deck will be recessed from the building edge by 4'-4" and enclosed by a 42" tall steel guardrail with a black powder coat.

Staff Comments
The Commerce Building is a contributing resource to the Southern Terminal and Warehouse District, so the Historic Resources section of the guidelines applies. Rooftop additions have been approved on historic buildings downtown when they are not visible from the street; the applicant has provided a line-of-sight drawing illustrating the proposed pergola's lack of visibility from the sidewalk across the street. The pergola structure will be recessed 12'-8" from the building edge. The proposed pergola will not result in the removal of any historic features; a penthouse addition already exists on the same building area.

Case History