
Concept Plan


Approved with Conditions

Approve variance 1 and the alternative design standards 1-6 based on the justifications provided by the applicant and the recommendations of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works, and because the site conditions restrict compliance with the Subdivision Regulations and will not create a traffic hazard.

Approve the Concept Plan subject to 13 conditions.

See case notes below


Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Applicant Request

Morning Ridge
57 (Split)
Proposed Density
2.95 du/ac
Yes - SF


1) Reduce the minimum intersection separation between Sunshine Lane and Bakertown Road from 300 ft to 222 ft.

1) Reduce the minimum private right-of-way width on Sunshine Lane from 50 ft to 40 ft
2) Reduce the minimum pavement width on Sunshine Lane from 26 ft to 25 ft
3) Reduce the minimum private right-of-way width on Morgen Street from 50 ft to 40 ft
4) Reduce the minimum pavement width on Morgen Street from 26 ft to 25 ft
5) Reduce the minimum horizontal curve radius from 250' to 100' for Morgen Street from STA 1+13.53 to 2+75.15
6) Reduce the minimum horizontal curve radius from 250' to 100' for Morgen Street from STA 8+52.53 to 10+16.67

1) Increase the maximum intersection grade from 1 percent to 2 percent at the northern intersection of Morgen Street and Sunrise Lane.

Property Information

0 Ball Rd.

North side of Ball Road, north of Bakertown Road

Commission District 6

19.31 acres

Currently on the Property
Vacant land

Growth Plan
Planned Growth Area

Case Notes

Disposition Summary
Approve variance 1 and the alternative design standards 1-6 based on the justifications provided by the applicant and the recommendations of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works, and because the site conditions restrict compliance with the Subdivision Regulations and will not create a traffic hazard.

Approve the Concept Plan subject to 13 conditions.

Staff Recommendation
Approve variance 1 and the alternative design standards 1-6 based on the justifications provided by the applicant and the recommendations of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works, and because the site conditions restrict compliance with the Subdivision Regulations and will not create a traffic hazard.

Approve the Concept Plan subject to 13 conditions.
1. Connection to sanitary sewer and meeting any other relevant requirements of the utility provider.
2. Provision of street names consistent with the Uniform Street Naming and Addressing System within Knox County (County Ord. 91-1-102).
3. Providing a note on the final plat that the private right-of-way are not public streets and will not be maintained by Knox County.
4. Providing a sight distance easement across the lots on the inside of the two Morgen Street horizontal curves per the requirements of Knox County Engineering and Public Works during the design plan phase. The driveways on these lots must be located outside of the sight distance easement and shown on the plat, or the driveways must have a depth of 20 ft beyond the sight distance easement if it cannot be located outside of the sight distance easement.
5. Dedicating the required 30-ft right-of-way from the centerline of Ball Road per the Major Road Plan and the Subdivision Regulations.
6. Revising the roundabout design per the requirements of Knox County Engineering and Public Works during the design plan phase.
7. Installation of all utilities underground per the requirements of Section 3.10.D (Electric, Gas, Telephone, and Other Utilities) of the Subdivision Regulations, unless documentation is provided to and approved by the Utility Agency and Planning staff.
8. Meeting all applicable requirements of West Knox Utilities District, including but not limited to easements for utilities that must be installed and/or maintained using areas outside of the private right-of-way.
9. Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Zoning Ordinance.
10. Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works.
11. Providing a note on the final plat that all lots will have access to internal streets.
12. Submitting to Planning staff prior to final plat review by the Planning Commission or Planning staff, the certification of design plan approval form as required by the Knoxville-Knox County Subdivision Regulations.
13. Prior to certification of the final plat for the subdivision, establishing a property owners association that will be responsible for the maintenance of the common areas, amenities, and drainage system.
This proposal is for a 57-lot detached residential subdivision on 19.31 acres at a density of 2.95 du/ac. Access to the site is from Ball Road, east of Bakertown Road. The roads within the development are private which provides more flexibility right-of-way and pavement widths compared to public streets. However, the road must be constructed to the same standards as public roads. The applicant is requesting a 25 ft driving surface (between the face of curbs) and a 40 ft right-of-way. A 5 ft sidewalk is proposed on one side of all streets.

There will be sidewalks throughout the development and along the Ball Road frontage, and a recreation field located on the west side of the entrance road (near Ball Road). The hillside to the rear of the property will also remain as an "open space nature preserve".

The applicant's engineer listed the requested deviations from the Subdivision Regulations on the Variances/Alternative Design Standards Request form (attached), as well as the stated hardships for the requests (see the staff report for the detailed requests). The Knox County Engineering and Public Works department agrees with the requested variance and alternative design standards.

The entrance road for the subdivision includes a boulevard and roundabout. The design details for the roundabout will be worked out with Knox County Engineering and Public Works during the design plan phase.

What's next?

Because of its location in the COUNTY, appeals will be heard by Knox County Chancery Court.
Appeals of Concept Plans and Final Plats are filed with Chancery CourtThe Process

Morning Ridge

Charles R. "Randy" Corlew

Case History