Use On Review


Recommended for denial
by the Planning Commission

DENY the request for expansion of the child day care center at this location.

See case notes below


Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Applicant Request


Property Information

3940 Porter Ave

South side of Porter Av., west of Kirk St.

Council District 6

18,900 square feet

Planning Sector
East City

Currently on the Property
Child day care center

Growth Plan
Urban Growth Area (Inside City Limits)

Case Notes

Disposition Summary
DENY the request for expansion of the child day care center at this location.
Staff Recommendation
DENY the request for expansion of the child day care center at this location.
The site is located on a local street and is surrounded by single family dwellings. Staff practice has been to allow day care centers with up to 12 children when the site is located in the midst of a single family neighborhood. It is our feeling that day care centers with a large number of children can be intrusive in a neighborhood setting. These larger day care facilities are businesses which should seek locations along the edges of neighborhoods on collector or arterial streets.

What's next?

As a Use On Review case, the Planning Commission's decision is final, and it will not be heard by a legislative body unless it is appealed.

The appeal deadline - April 27, 2001 - has passed.

The Process