Design Review Board

Lonsdale Infill Housing Overlay District


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of Certificate 4-F-21-IH, with the condition that final site plan and parking area meet City Engineering requirements.

1328 Texas Ave. 37921

Michelle Michelle Ivester

Applicant Request
Driveways, parking pads, access point, garages or similar facilities
1. The proposal meets the design guidelines as it expands an existing parking area which is located behind the primary residence. It does not require an additional curb cut and does not involve the addition of any new structures.

2. Final site plan will need to meet City Engineering requirements (including final dimensions of parking area; showing final conditions of fencing and existing gravel; avoiding gravel in the right-of-way; and containing any proposed gravel with landscape timbers or equivalent to prevent migration. Gravel must be clean, uniform-sized stone, bounded on all sides, on a quality geo-fabric.)

Staff Comments
Expansion of existing parking pad to the right (northeast) of existing driveway. Parking pad will measure approximately 12'-15' wide and extend the length of the existing driveway. A fence will be removed to accommodate the additional parking. Final site plan may require minor revisions to meet City Engineering standards.

Michelle Michelle Ivester

Planning Staff
Lindsay Lanois
Phone: 865-215-3795

Case History