Approve rezoning to INST (Institutional) and H (Historic Overlay).
Approve rezoning to INST (Institutional) and H (Historic Overlay).
The RN-5 General Residential Neighborhood Zoning District is intended to accommodate medium density residential neighborhoods in the City of Knoxville comprising a heterogeneous mix of single-family, two-family, townhouse, and multifamily dwellings. The RN-5 District may also serve as a functional transition between traditionally single-family and two family residential neighborhoods within the City, and more intensely developed residential or commercial areas. Limited nonresidential uses that are compatible with the character of the district may also be permitted.
The H Historic Overlay Zoning District in intended to preserve and protect historic structures and areas which serve as visible reminders of the history and cultural heritage of the City of Knoxville, State of Tennessee, and the United States of America. The H Overlay District is also intended to assist in stabilizing and improving property values in historic areas by guiding rehabilitation or new construction that is compatible with the character of the historic area. Through this district, historic structures and areas of sufficient historical or architectural significance are designated for public protection. It is the intent of this district to regulate the construction, repair, alteration, rehabilitation, relocation or demolition of any building or
other structure that is located or proposed to be located in an H Overlay District. This district is not intended, however, to regulate the use of land, buildings or structures.
The H Historic Overlay Zoning District in intended to preserve and protect historic structures and areas which serve as visible reminders of the history and cultural heritage of the City of Knoxville, State of Tennessee, and the United States of America. The H Overlay District is also intended to assist in stabilizing and improving property values in historic areas by guiding rehabilitation or new construction that is compatible with the character of the historic area. Through this district, historic structures and areas of sufficient historical or architectural significance are designated for public protection. It is the intent of this district to regulate the construction, repair, alteration, rehabilitation, relocation or demolition of any building or
other structure that is located or proposed to be located in an H Overlay District. This district is not intended, however, to regulate the use of land, buildings or structures.
N of Tipton Ave, west of E Moody Ave
Council District 1
Land Use Classification LDR (Low Density Residential) LDR (Low Density Residential)