Applicant Request
Close Street
From 7916 Bennington Drive, Knoxville, TN 37909
its southeast terminus at West Hills Bynon Park
To 8000 Bennington Drive, Knoxville, TN 37909
Bennington Drive
Reason for Closure
Due to current corner lot codes (Article 10.3.1 Fence and Article 10.3.2 Pool Placement), the dead end street does not allow proper use of my property at 7916 Bennington Drive. Pool and fence applications were submitted but were denied due to current codes and street. Due to this hardship, I am asking for the closure of the dead end street of Glenmore Drive between 7916 Bennington and 8000 Bennington Drive.
ObjectionsThe City's Engineering Department and KUB have requested to retain any easements that may be in place should this closure be approved.
Comments / Recommendations
Deny closure of Glenmore Drive from its southern terminus point at West Hills and Bynon Park to its intersection with Bennington Drive since it provides public access to the park and leaves open the option for the park to develop in this area, possibly